After the lengthy phone conversation, the "old guy" said he would call the next day. And, he did not. About 10 PM the NEXT, next day he did call with some story about having to work and then going to the races, etc. But, being the super nice person that I am, I decided to give him a break. We went out two or three more times over the course of the next two weeks. Finally, on the evening before I was to return to Batesville for school I had to just ask Chad where we stood. Although I made it very clear from the beginning that I was not going to be involved in another long distance relationship, I kind of liked the old man! So picture me standing on the front porch of my parents' house with Chad at about midnight. I'm leaving early the next morning to make an RLS meeting in Batesville. As of this point, there has been no discussion of the situation. We've known each other for two weeks, been on several dates, and spent hours on the phone. He says goodbye for the evening without a word about me moving six hours away the following morning. As Chad is walking to his gas-guzzling truck, I finally get up enough nerve and ask him, "So, am I ever going to see you again after today?" Much to my surprise, Mr.Communication himself stops in his tracks
~~ turns around to face me~~
~~says "prolly, prolly so"~~
~~turns back around~~
~~gets in his truck~~
~~ and LEAVES!~~
So, now when we have something very serious to discuss we always answer each other with "prolly, prolly so!"
And I've heard these words many times in the dickerson household and its fun to know where it came from :)