A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Picture updates

Here are some pictures from some of our family fun from the last few months....

You know the conversations that we've all heard about the third (or whichever)child who doesn't have the same caliber baby book, isn't as protected, etc. Well, we work hard to disprove this theory at our house. But, at the deer lease in January I took this picture. Look close. Yes, she is chewing on a rock. Yes,cutting teeth on a rock!

Later that same day, Iwas having a fun size Hershey bar when Blake took it upon herself to get a bite. After one small taste, she had to have it. I know it's not real healthy, but can't you see the pure joy in those eyes?

A few weeks back, we had a weekend with U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e weather. We are so blessed with kids and kids and more kids on our street. And, since we live on a dead-end street, they pretty much play in the street even though all of us remind them not to get in the street. Anyway, the boy (yes the ONE BOY) was on his side of the street shooting nerf darts at the girls (about 5 of them)on our side of the street. After discovering that he couldn't beat the girls, the little guy came on over and joined the girls.

The next picture is one of my favorites. When Taylor was about Blake's size, she fell in love with a book called Millie Moo. Now, four years later, Taylor is reading the same book to Blake.

Any recap of the highlights of the last few months must include the SNOW DAY!

The last few pictures were taken at Chad's mom and dad's house last month. It was a beautiful day outside. I tried to "play" photographer and accidentally got some neat shots of the girls.

Pa "resting" with Blake.

Taylor at the bottom of the pulley in the playhouse.

Kennedy on top of the playhouse sending "goods" down to Taylor.

Blake just looking super cute in the leaves.

Two of my favorite girls...wonder why I couldn't have one like this with all three girls?

I know, it's like the blog that never ends, but these are too funny. The first one is a picture that I thought was just too funny not to share. Aren't Chad and his dad just precious on the four wheeler?

But, when they came back toward me, I was able to see why they were so close and cuddly on the four wheeler.

We've been busy, but we've made great memories!

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading millie moo. Many times to taylor that was always the one she brought to me :) && I love all of these pictures I miss my dickerson family !!
