A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Well Poop!

I'll be quite honest here.  I don't get a lot of special requests for updates on the blog.  However, this week I had several requests on facebook and in person for this update.  Okay, the truth is that I think three people asked for it and one was my mom.  She does count, right?

Friday evening (I think) Chad, Big, and Middle were outside.  The story was that they were working.  However, when I went to share the news, I found Chad visiting with the neighbor and Big and Middle riding scooters around the cars (which is strictly forbidden due to the disaster 2 years ago).

Back to the story.  Friday night I was in the house alone with just the Blakinator.  She was a mess.  So, being the good mom that I am on Friday nights, I decided that she needed a bath.  Truthfully, I needed a break from the moaning and whining that she uses in place of the English language.  Blake loves the water.  She splashes and plays and coos and splashes and splashes and well, you get the point.  Blake has also learned to stand up in the tub.  Yes, I know that is NOT GOOD.  So, we have trained her to sit down.  Actually, she has trained us to say "sit down" and wait and repeat and then physically pull her hands off the side of the tub.  And then she flashes the most adorable smile and stands herself back up!

Back to the story, again.  After allowing Blake to splash water all over the bathroom, I dried her off and sent her down the hall.  Finished drying up the flood of water on the floor, I headed out to find the most adorable "tiny hiny" playing with her diaper bag.

Of course, I didn't get the funniest picture.  She did have the strap on her shoulder like she was carrying a purse.  But she continued to play for several minutes.  I just smiled and snapped a few more pictures like this one.

I was so wrapped up in her cuteness when I suddenly heard the quietest little toot.  She looked up at me a grinned like "did you hear that too?"  I just smiled and proceeded to looked at the pictures on the camera display for a second.  I was admiring the cuteness that I had captured digitally.  One-point-four seconds later, I looked back up and saw

Yes, the cuteness was immediately replaced with disgust.  She pooped on my carpet.  Now I understand that she is less than a year old and didn't have on a diaper.  However, she needs to understand that I lived with stained, ugly, used-to-be-white carpet for years.  And when we finally had all of our children "trained" we replaced it with this carpet.  Yes, that was exactly 7 days before we knew I was pregnant with her. But still, she pooped on my new carpet! 
So folks, that's the story.  Poop!

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