I can't even begin to count the number of times someone has said to me, "You should write a book!" regarding the funnies from the mouths of my children. I am happy to say that I have actually started two books. I am not even beginning to suggest that you'll see my name on a shelf at one of those large book stores some day. My two (soon to be three) books will be tucked away in a drawer at each of my daughters' houses.
Each of the girls has a book where I record funny things they say and do. I also make it a point each year to have their teachers write a little note to them regarding their year at school. It's pretty sappy, but I hope they will treasure it as much as I do. Well, now that I actually type these words I'm thinking that they may not get their books until I'm dead and gone. My original plan was to give each book to the main character at her college graduation, marriage, etc. Some big event. But, as those events begin to seem more near and less far, I'm not sure I can part with the books that soon.
With all of that out of the way, here are some great moments from the last two weeks!
Monday evening, I went walking with some friends while Chad got the girls ready for bed. When I returned home, all three girls were sleeping. Tuesday morning, I met a friend of mine to workout (yes, she's the trainer and I'm the one about to pass out). When I came in the door at 6:15 AM, Taylor was eating breakfast. She looked up at me and said, "You walked all night long?".
Thursday of last week, I asked Kennedy about her lunch at school. She's the picky kid who prefers to pack a lunch every day. She said, "My sandwich was a lot better than what those other kids were eating." I asked what the cafeteria served. She answered, "Those kids were eating chicken bladders!" I obviously grinned a little and asked more questions. She finally said that a student asked the principal what the food was and he (jokingly) said it was chicken liver. The other kids argued and said theirs was chicken bladder. I'm reasonably sure that all of the kids were joking. My silly girl is at a new school and believes e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. right now!
Continuing with the food theme...
One day last week Taylor came into my office after school. I asked how her day was. She began the usual run down about first grade happenings. Then she got all excited and said, "I ate all that greenish-yellowish stuff on my apple." I said, "You mean the skin?" She looked at me with wrinkled brows and said, "That greenish-yellowish stuff!" I explained that it is the skin of the apple. Then I asked, "Well, did you eat the apple?" She said, "Mom, I told you I ate all that greenish-yellowish stuff off and that was all!" I'm willing to bet that I am the parent of one of only a handful of six year olds in America who eat the skin off the apple and throw the rest away!
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