Thursday afternoon was one funny comment after another on the way to gymnastics.
Taylor was telling me that they wrote poetry at school that day. She said, 'We wrote our name and then made a poem about ourselves with the letters. Here's mine. T is for thankful. A is for awesome. Y is for young. L is for lazy. O is for I forgot what o was for. R is for remembers.'
I said, 'R is for remembers but you forgot O?'
She smiled and said, 'But aren't you glad I was honest and said L is for lazy cause I am!'
Kennedy asked, 'Mom, do you know any Muslims?'
I said, 'Yes, do you?' She had to inquire about who I knew but went on to say there was a young Muslim girl in her G/T class who didn't go to lunch that day because 'she was vasting.'
Yes, she clarified it for me V-A-S-T-I-N-G and that means you don't eat or drink from sun up to sun down because your dad said it's a vasting day.
A Little Peek Into Our Lives...
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A November We Will Always Remember
November 2012:
We returned to our home about 6pm October 31 after 6 days away from home. Most of you recognize the significance of that date. For us, it was "come home from Disney World day". For the rest of the neighborhood, it was Halloween. We did get in on the Trick-or-Treating for about an hour to carry on the Dickerson-Watson tradition of 7 years.
We managed to get everyon in bed at a reasonable hour, and about bout 9PM, I started digging through the piles of notes, mail, backpack junk, etc. I was happy to find a reminder that SCHOOL PICTURES were on November 1. Now, I'm not overly concerned with school pictures because my kids are just naturally beautiful. I'm joking! I don't get worked up about school pictures because we take a million pictures of our kids, and with digital photography, school pictures aren't quite the nightmare that they were years ago. BUT seriously, who schedules school pictures at an elementary school the day after Halloween? I'm anxious to see how many of those precious ghosts and ghoblins still have pink, purple, red, orange tints in their hair when the yearbooks are printed and distributed.
I must say thank you to Aunt Mary for delivering costumes to our front door for the event. And, thank you a million times over to Mrs.Amanda for bringing taco soup for the family because she knows me well enough to know that I had no idea what my family would eat for dinner the night we arrived home from Florida with kids dying to go Trick-or-Treating and parents so tired that they actually agreed to take them out on the streets! It is great to be surrounded by people who love us!
Fast Forward a few days to Saturday, November 3. It's opening weekend at the deer lease. Yes, that is a national holiday in our house. Kennedy had two soccer games this day. Imagine the joy. First soccer game at 8:30AM in Jacksonville about 40 miles Southwest of Henderson. Conveniently (dripping with sarcasm) the second soccer game was 20 miles North of Henderson in Kilgore at 12:30. After two soccer games and a brief tour of the roads of East Texas, Kennedy, Blake and I made it to the deer lease, which is guessed it...60 miles Northeast of our home. Upon arrival, we found a sickly Taylor. Taylor loves the deer lease. However, she was asleep in the travel trailer burning up with fever. Our weekend at the deer lease quickly evaporated into a road trip back home with Blake and Taylor. By Wednesday of that week, Taylor was on the mend, but the fever struck down BADkid.
On Sunday evening, I was feeling the symptoms too. By Monday morning, I was sick. I'm pretty tolerant to "sick" most of the time. With a husband, 3 dogs, 5 fish, 1 hamster, and a job, who has time to be sick? But, on Wednesday evening when Chad got home from work, he found me in our bed, in the dark, covered up, crying. Our neighbor (who shall remain nameless to protect her identity) has family connections to the funeral home in town. I asked Chad to call mystery neighbor and ask if her dad had anything for euthanasia because I was sure it was going to be a slow, miserable death. He giggled and thought it was funny that I was so whipped by what we affectionately referred to as "Bubonic Plague". I recovered and tried to work the rest of the week because I avoid taking sick days so that I can enjoy days in NYC and Walt Disney World (which will be getting posts soon).
Although I was better by Friday, BADkid appeared to be taking on round #2 of the illness, so I took her to the doctor. We saw Santa before the appointment with the doctor. She was so excited to see him, but felt so bad. He came over to her and said, "Ho, ho, ho!" She grinned and then a single tear rolled down her cheek. She was so weak.
One single tear |
She's grinning while spinning pennies, but doesn't have her usual sparkle |
The Pediatrician assured me that it was not the Bubonic Plague, but I'm still skeptical. I lived through it. It was some kind of plague.
While everyone was under the weather, we played in the house a lot. Often that involved the phone taking pictures and videos. Here's a video of the silly girl who likes grapes, but doesn't like the texture of most fruits.
Friday, Chad was supposed to go from work to the deer lease for the weekend. About 30 minutes before the end of his work day (and 90 minutes before his usual arrival home), "Mr. Giggle when someone is sick" came stumbling in the door. I'm not heartless, but let me just admit that I had a small grin and felt tiny tingle of justice when I saw how bad he looked and sounded. I did manage to compose myself and refrain from releasing an evil cackle every single time he moaned or complained about being sick. It was a rough weekend, and on Sunday he was talking emergency clinic. Fortunately, he did not die Sunday night when his frugal wife shrieked at the idea of an emergency clinic when his doctor's office would be open in less than 12 hours.
Bob's weekend hunting trip ended here |
Monday was the beginning of returning to normal. It was a slower process for Chad. I'm guessing it's his advanced age? Who knows. By Thanksgiving Day, he was presentable, but sounded terrible and everyone was hesitant to get too close.
The last 5 days of November we were all healthy at the very same time. It was miraculous! It has definitely been a November to Forget! But through it all, I have to be thankful that no one was sick during the 2 out of state trips in October, and everyone was well before I had to go out of town for work the last 3 days of November.
Here's to a Healthy Dickerson December!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
'H' is not for happy.
BADkid. I love this child like a mother should love a child. However, yes, this is real life folks, I don't really want to see her precious face between the hours of 9PM and 6AM for a long, long time.
For whatever reason, she has decided, 'I seep wishoo' in a really pathetic whine along with batted eyelashes is fun between the hours of 10:30PM and 5:30AM. I do not like her definition of fun. We have not previously had problems with children trying to get into our bed. I'm not totally against her sleeping with us, but we only have a queen size bed. For some reason, she insists that we sleep in the form of a capital 'H'. Can you get the visual? Sleepy mom, oblivious dad, tiny toes in my back for 30 minutes. Oh no, 30 minutes isn't the end of the misery. That's just when the helicopter blades begin to rotate so that I get to experience a rather hard head in my back for the next thirty minutes.
I'm not sure what to do about this problem. I know about putting her back in her bed, and we have. Last night I put her back in her bed for about 2 hours. But the complication with that is that she cries and screams and shares a room with a sister who needs sleep. Oh, and across the hall is the other sister who sleeps through everything, but that puppy does not.
So, yes, I have had multiple meltdowns in the middle of the night recently. I am tired of being rudely awakened as Blake climbs over my head to get into my bed. But, I'm also tired of putting her back in her bed screaming and then having to deal with the barking, whining dog who wants to go out to pee. I know this is not the financially sound, mature answer, but I'm seriously considering buying a king-sized bed for myself for Christmas.
In short, I'm an irritated, sleep-deprived mom who posted all these cute pictures to remind me that even through these tough patches, she is a blessing who makes me I sigh with exhaustion in the middle of the night.
For whatever reason, she has decided, 'I seep wishoo' in a really pathetic whine along with batted eyelashes is fun between the hours of 10:30PM and 5:30AM. I do not like her definition of fun. We have not previously had problems with children trying to get into our bed. I'm not totally against her sleeping with us, but we only have a queen size bed. For some reason, she insists that we sleep in the form of a capital 'H'. Can you get the visual? Sleepy mom, oblivious dad, tiny toes in my back for 30 minutes. Oh no, 30 minutes isn't the end of the misery. That's just when the helicopter blades begin to rotate so that I get to experience a rather hard head in my back for the next thirty minutes.
I'm not sure what to do about this problem. I know about putting her back in her bed, and we have. Last night I put her back in her bed for about 2 hours. But the complication with that is that she cries and screams and shares a room with a sister who needs sleep. Oh, and across the hall is the other sister who sleeps through everything, but that puppy does not.
So, yes, I have had multiple meltdowns in the middle of the night recently. I am tired of being rudely awakened as Blake climbs over my head to get into my bed. But, I'm also tired of putting her back in her bed screaming and then having to deal with the barking, whining dog who wants to go out to pee. I know this is not the financially sound, mature answer, but I'm seriously considering buying a king-sized bed for myself for Christmas.
In short, I'm an irritated, sleep-deprived mom who posted all these cute pictures to remind me that even through these tough patches, she is a blessing who makes me I sigh with exhaustion in the middle of the night.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Who has time for a blog?
I really wanted to do a better job at this; however, it's become apparent that I don't have time. Actually I don't take the time. Here's a snippet of our lives lately.
September was full of getting back into the routine of school. Kennedy played soccer and Taylor continued with gymnastics. Sometimes we just had to jump up and run to the store. And yes, sometimes we got all the way to Long ire before I realized what my kid was wearing.
Taylor rolled her own hair one night. She met me in the hall the next morning exclaiming, 'I look like a poodle!'
We celebrated the completed decade for Addy. Looking at Taylor and Ayden feels almost like a flashback. She may not look so much like me, but he is a little Keith.
In October, I took an amazing girls' trip to one if my most favorite places to visit. This trip deserves its very own post. Check back soon!
Two weeks later, we surprised the girls with a trip to Orlando to visit Disney World. That trip also requires its own post (or two).
Finally, Halloween and now deer season. Things have been wild and crazy.
This app is convenient to upload pictures from my phone but it just randomly places them, so you can match the picture to the caption.
September was full of getting back into the routine of school. Kennedy played soccer and Taylor continued with gymnastics. Sometimes we just had to jump up and run to the store. And yes, sometimes we got all the way to Long ire before I realized what my kid was wearing.
Taylor rolled her own hair one night. She met me in the hall the next morning exclaiming, 'I look like a poodle!'
We celebrated the completed decade for Addy. Looking at Taylor and Ayden feels almost like a flashback. She may not look so much like me, but he is a little Keith.
In October, I took an amazing girls' trip to one if my most favorite places to visit. This trip deserves its very own post. Check back soon!
Two weeks later, we surprised the girls with a trip to Orlando to visit Disney World. That trip also requires its own post (or two).
Finally, Halloween and now deer season. Things have been wild and crazy.
This app is convenient to upload pictures from my phone but it just randomly places them, so you can match the picture to the caption.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
And She Prayed...
Children's prayers are so honest and sometimes comical.
Taylor's birthday was on the first day of school. We had the traditional donut with a candle, but didn't really get to enjoy the moment with all of the other activities. She has been incredibly patient. I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday. Surprisingly she only requested 2 friends go with her to Chuck E. Cheese and spend the night. Seeing the bargain opportunity, I jumped on it. Tomorrow Taylor and her couple of friends will be celebrating the big 7 without the traditional family attending.
Mom gave Taylor her gift on Wednesday. Taylor was thrilled! Then, we had to leave to go to gymnastics, and I made her leave the gift at Mimi's so it wouldn't make a mess in the hot car while at gymnastics. All day she has mentioned how close Mimi lives now and that we could just go to Mimi's and get the gift. I've put her off for various reasons; ultimately it's for my own benefit. Tonight at bedtime Taylor prayed, 'God, thank you for my family and my friends. And thank you God that my Mimi had enough money to buy me a huge make-up box with a bunch of make-up for my birthday...'.
I simultaneously prayed, 'Thank you God for my 34 years with an awesome mom. Please either heal her from her insanity or bless me with enough patience and discretion to not murder her for the H.U.G.E. make-up box with a bunch of make-up! AMEN'
Taylor's birthday was on the first day of school. We had the traditional donut with a candle, but didn't really get to enjoy the moment with all of the other activities. She has been incredibly patient. I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday. Surprisingly she only requested 2 friends go with her to Chuck E. Cheese and spend the night. Seeing the bargain opportunity, I jumped on it. Tomorrow Taylor and her couple of friends will be celebrating the big 7 without the traditional family attending.
Mom gave Taylor her gift on Wednesday. Taylor was thrilled! Then, we had to leave to go to gymnastics, and I made her leave the gift at Mimi's so it wouldn't make a mess in the hot car while at gymnastics. All day she has mentioned how close Mimi lives now and that we could just go to Mimi's and get the gift. I've put her off for various reasons; ultimately it's for my own benefit. Tonight at bedtime Taylor prayed, 'God, thank you for my family and my friends. And thank you God that my Mimi had enough money to buy me a huge make-up box with a bunch of make-up for my birthday...'.
I simultaneously prayed, 'Thank you God for my 34 years with an awesome mom. Please either heal her from her insanity or bless me with enough patience and discretion to not murder her for the H.U.G.E. make-up box with a bunch of make-up! AMEN'
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Dose of Dickerson Dashcam
It has been almost two months since the last update on Bob and the Girls. Well, honestly, my phone has changed my world. At one time, I had to actually get on the computer to check my email, check facebook, pay bills, etc. Now, I can do all of those things on my phone. However, blogspot and iphone don't seem to work so well together. I know, I can go to the Internet and do anything, but I was really hoping for some awesome app to make updates simple. Anyone looking to get rich? Create one for me. I'll pay up to about $4.99.
Here's what we've been doing since the Dash update...
Since we're old friends, we can just pick right back up like it hasn't been months since we've visited. So, last week on facebook I commented that if I had a dashcam, our lives could be a reality show. I'll never install a dashcam, but here's a peak...
Kennedy and Taylor were asking about Dash having puppies.
Kennedy (K): How old does Dash have to be before she has puppies?
Shannon (S): Dash isn't going to have puppies.
Taylor (T): Why not?
S: Because we are going to take her to the vet in another month and have her spayed, which is a surgery so that she can't have puppies.
T: What if she is already pregnant?
S: She isn't. It takes a boy dog and a girl dog to make puppies. And she hasn't been around any boy dogs.
K: (Apparently making the connection to our prior conversations regarding reproduction) Taylor, you're too little to understand, but when you get a LOT older Mom will tell you about it too.
T: OK, but why can't Dash just have puppies ONE time?
The conversation continues on about taking care of puppies and the complications with small dogs giving birth, etc. We also addressed the fact that you have to be able to find homes for puppies. And then...
K: If we can't find homes, then we just take them to the animal shelter.
S: Well, they are just going to kill them. Why would you want to do that?
S: It takes money to feed, water, and care for animals. The animal shelter here is a temporary home, but if no one adopts the animals, they eventually kill them because they can't afford to care for them.
K: So, why exactly do they call it an animal shelter?
S: Well, umm, hmm...ask Pa!
I've trained my kids to spot Corvettes on the road. On a recent trip to Tyler, we saw a pretty one. Just hours before, I was trying to calm Kennedy's anxiousness about being tardy for school by saying that I would eat a worm if she was late.
T: Momma! There's a Corvette!
K: Momma, would you eat 3 worms for a Corvette?
S: I would eat 3 bowls of worms for a Corvette.
K: Eww. What would you really do for a Corvette?
S: I would do a lot of things. I would give up one of my daughters for a Corvette.
K: Momma! No you would not!
S: (jokingly) Well, it depends on how pretty it is.
T: (Raising her hand and bouncing in the back seat) I'm the ugly one!
After explaining that I was joking about how pretty the car had to be, Taylor changed her mind and said, "Oh, well, I'm not really the ugly one."
Here's what we've been doing since the Dash update...
- Vickey and her kids visited from Arkansas
- Kennedy and Taylor had their first trip to Six Flags
- Chad and I enjoyed the Fifth installment of Dickerson, Henry, Lee @ the BEACH
- Kennedy loved Pine Cove this year instead of just survived
- Taylor experienced her first week of summer camp at Pine Cove
- Blake FINALLY got over molluscum after buckets of tears (this deserves and entire post)
- Six month anniversary of my Uncle Jimmy missing
- First day of school for 4th grade, 2nd grade, and 2 year old class
- We bought the last package of diapers for the Dickerson house (and I'm a little sad)
- Kennedy started soccer
- Taylor had a birthday (7 years old)
- I had a birthday (older than 7 years old)
- Mimi and Pops celebrated 36 years of marriage...and moved into the new house
- Chad let the biggest catfish I've ever seen in person get away
- Taylor found a snake "in the house" but it was actually against the threshold trying to get in the house
Since we're old friends, we can just pick right back up like it hasn't been months since we've visited. So, last week on facebook I commented that if I had a dashcam, our lives could be a reality show. I'll never install a dashcam, but here's a peak...
Kennedy and Taylor were asking about Dash having puppies.
Kennedy (K): How old does Dash have to be before she has puppies?
Shannon (S): Dash isn't going to have puppies.
Taylor (T): Why not?
S: Because we are going to take her to the vet in another month and have her spayed, which is a surgery so that she can't have puppies.
T: What if she is already pregnant?
S: She isn't. It takes a boy dog and a girl dog to make puppies. And she hasn't been around any boy dogs.
K: (Apparently making the connection to our prior conversations regarding reproduction) Taylor, you're too little to understand, but when you get a LOT older Mom will tell you about it too.
T: OK, but why can't Dash just have puppies ONE time?
The conversation continues on about taking care of puppies and the complications with small dogs giving birth, etc. We also addressed the fact that you have to be able to find homes for puppies. And then...
K: If we can't find homes, then we just take them to the animal shelter.
S: Well, they are just going to kill them. Why would you want to do that?
S: It takes money to feed, water, and care for animals. The animal shelter here is a temporary home, but if no one adopts the animals, they eventually kill them because they can't afford to care for them.
K: So, why exactly do they call it an animal shelter?
S: Well, umm, hmm...ask Pa!
I've trained my kids to spot Corvettes on the road. On a recent trip to Tyler, we saw a pretty one. Just hours before, I was trying to calm Kennedy's anxiousness about being tardy for school by saying that I would eat a worm if she was late.
T: Momma! There's a Corvette!
K: Momma, would you eat 3 worms for a Corvette?
S: I would eat 3 bowls of worms for a Corvette.
K: Eww. What would you really do for a Corvette?
S: I would do a lot of things. I would give up one of my daughters for a Corvette.
K: Momma! No you would not!
S: (jokingly) Well, it depends on how pretty it is.
T: (Raising her hand and bouncing in the back seat) I'm the ugly one!
After explaining that I was joking about how pretty the car had to be, Taylor changed her mind and said, "Oh, well, I'm not really the ugly one."
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Just Add a Little Dash of Spice to Your Family!
About a month ago, I had a moment of temporary insanity. Meet the newest Dickerson girl--Dash.
Now, the first question we get when we introduce her is, "What is her name?" We answer "Dash" and get that famous "aww". However, we can all see on people's faces that they are really thinking, "uh, what the heck were they thinking?". Here's the story. Dash became Dash because Uncle Roscoe and Aunt Stacey have a small dog named Flash. Blake can't say "Flash" so, she calls Flash "Dash". The moment Blake saw the puppy, she started calling the her "Dash". Kennedy and Taylor were not excited about naming her Dash. They made lists of names, created voting charts, and even conducted oral surveys. They were serious about the name selection process. However, after about a week of trying to convince Blake to call her anything between Pippy and Peanut Butter, they finally gave in and accepted that the dog responds to "Dash" because she hears Blake say it about 2.6 million times each day.
Dash was kind of stinky the first few days, so she had to have a bath. We all knew she was tiny, but seeing her wet really made an impression on the girls about how tiny and fragile she really was.
BADkid and Dash have become best buds. Well, according to BADkid they are inseparable. I have a strong suspicion that Dash doesn't really care so much for BADkid most of the time. Although we've had a few scary moments when Dash was stepped on, slung, or thrown, for the most part, she has acclimated to life with a two year old quite well.
And with all fabulous productions, a grand finale is required. This picture just makes me giggle. I'm sure one day those of you with a two year old in the Henderson area will see this again in a senior slide show or something just as fantastic. BADkid L.O.V.E.S. her Dash. She truly believes that if she can do it, Dash can too. Obviously now we know that she also believes that if Dash can do it, then she can too! Enjoy!
Now, the first question we get when we introduce her is, "What is her name?" We answer "Dash" and get that famous "aww". However, we can all see on people's faces that they are really thinking, "uh, what the heck were they thinking?". Here's the story. Dash became Dash because Uncle Roscoe and Aunt Stacey have a small dog named Flash. Blake can't say "Flash" so, she calls Flash "Dash". The moment Blake saw the puppy, she started calling the her "Dash". Kennedy and Taylor were not excited about naming her Dash. They made lists of names, created voting charts, and even conducted oral surveys. They were serious about the name selection process. However, after about a week of trying to convince Blake to call her anything between Pippy and Peanut Butter, they finally gave in and accepted that the dog responds to "Dash" because she hears Blake say it about 2.6 million times each day.
Dash was kind of stinky the first few days, so she had to have a bath. We all knew she was tiny, but seeing her wet really made an impression on the girls about how tiny and fragile she really was.
BADkid and Dash have become best buds. Well, according to BADkid they are inseparable. I have a strong suspicion that Dash doesn't really care so much for BADkid most of the time. Although we've had a few scary moments when Dash was stepped on, slung, or thrown, for the most part, she has acclimated to life with a two year old quite well.
Blake is paying her bills while Dash is passed out |
BADkid even trusts that sleepy dog with her corn dog |
Can't you read this expression? You mean I have to put her down long enough to eat? |
Yes, this is the "easy" hug, Mom |
Shhh! When she's like this is the only time she doesn't run and hide from me |
Pool girls? |
Aww is all I can say about this |
See the cloth book? Yes, she held her down and periodically turned the pages as she "read" the book to was the Christmas story! |
BADkid says, "Dash play me with your hello". Dash's face looks more like, "Hello! Is anyone going to help me?" |
No!No! Dash! These are MY shoes! (But they're Taylor's) |
Momma! Dash got my shoes! |
And with all fabulous productions, a grand finale is required. This picture just makes me giggle. I'm sure one day those of you with a two year old in the Henderson area will see this again in a senior slide show or something just as fantastic. BADkid L.O.V.E.S. her Dash. She truly believes that if she can do it, Dash can too. Obviously now we know that she also believes that if Dash can do it, then she can too! Enjoy!
Monkey See, Monkey Do |
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
She's got it all!
I have an amazingly, awesome nine year old. She made me a mom and Chad a dad. I never really thought a lot about that, but that's a huge accomplishment, right?
Kennedy is beautiful.
I think all of my girls are beautiful, but something about her bronzed skin and striking eyes just make me stare at her in awe sometimes. She has a heart of gold. She is not perfect. Her number one struggle at this stage of life is pouting. Although pouting makes me crazy, I know that she is going to overcome this struggle.
Kennedy is SMART.
I have always been very cautious not to label my children as "smart" because I teach kids in a public school. Approximately 99% of parents think their kids are above average, or even brilliant. Now, I know my kids are above average. Seriously, DNA like mine and Chad's...what else could they be other than phenomenal? Oh, let me reach my arm back around from patting myself on the back and get back to the point. Kennedy. Kennedy attended kindergarten, first grade, and second grade at the tiny school where I work. She stood out among many of her peers. Her teachers would rave about how well she did in school. I've heard several times, "If I had a class full of Kennedy..." or "I just love having her in class". As a teacher, I know that often the well-behaved kids are considered to be the top students. And even more often than that, the kids who have stable home lives and parents who read to them appear to be brilliant while the under-exposed children may need a few years to catch up on life experiences. So, I have been skeptical.
At the beginnin of third grade, Kennedy changed schools. She attended the school in our town rather than the school where I work. She went from a single class of each grade (about 22 students) to about 200 third graders. I was a nervous wreck about such a change for her. However, within her first three days of school, the school called. They wanted to do some testing to determine her IQ, etc. She was subsequently placed in the G/T program. (Disclaimer--I know that many intelligent children are not accepted into the G/T program. I know that most of us parents consider our "over-achiever" children to be gifted. I think Kennedy probably hoovers on the border and definitely is an over achiever. And to be honest, research shows that on average, the over-achiever type people are more successful than the truly gifted people based on ability to maintain employment, relationships, etc.) I was proud of Kennedy for being selected for the G/T program because it gave her a dose of confidence in a scary new school. And for the record, she has had a phenomenal year with amazing projects in G/T. The real point here was that in her new school with a lot of third graders, Kennedy got an award for reading. Yes, this is brag on Kennedy blog. I am so proud that she is able to excel "in the big pond" and not just at the tiny school.
Kennedy is definitely one of the best big sisters on the planet. Now, she has had almost seven years to practice this most important role. She is incredibly mature and responsible when I need her to be. She is not immune from the day to day fussing and instigating to irritate her younger sisters. However, when it comes right down to it, I can always count on Kennedy to take the initiative to help her sisters and keep them safe.
Kennedy is intense. She is passionate. When Kennedy does something, she DOES it with all of her being. Some of her favorite things to do right now are play softball, read, and fish. She's pretty serious about hunting as well! She is such a great kid. She's what I would consider to be well rounded. One funny thing about Kennedy that many people don't realize is that she is a chicken! She can bargain her way out of just about anything if it involves thunder, the dark, or being alone. Remember her desperate need for her own room almost a year ago? Well, she has her own room now and hasn't slept in it alone yet. Poor Taylor has become the corner sleeper on the floor while Kennedy enjoys the bed.
This is one fine kid! She's funny. She's intuitive. She "gets it" when others may not. If she figures out how to deal with her disappointments approriately and always has a flashlight for the dark, she will be unstoppable in life!
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Kennedy and I at her first Rangers game |
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Deer Lease Days |
Kennedy is SMART.
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See. She knows to send in someone else to check it out first! |
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She's really just a country girl |
At the beginnin of third grade, Kennedy changed schools. She attended the school in our town rather than the school where I work. She went from a single class of each grade (about 22 students) to about 200 third graders. I was a nervous wreck about such a change for her. However, within her first three days of school, the school called. They wanted to do some testing to determine her IQ, etc. She was subsequently placed in the G/T program. (Disclaimer--I know that many intelligent children are not accepted into the G/T program. I know that most of us parents consider our "over-achiever" children to be gifted. I think Kennedy probably hoovers on the border and definitely is an over achiever. And to be honest, research shows that on average, the over-achiever type people are more successful than the truly gifted people based on ability to maintain employment, relationships, etc.) I was proud of Kennedy for being selected for the G/T program because it gave her a dose of confidence in a scary new school. And for the record, she has had a phenomenal year with amazing projects in G/T. The real point here was that in her new school with a lot of third graders, Kennedy got an award for reading. Yes, this is brag on Kennedy blog. I am so proud that she is able to excel "in the big pond" and not just at the tiny school.
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Fashion? Well, she was going for the 80s look! |
Kennedy is definitely one of the best big sisters on the planet. Now, she has had almost seven years to practice this most important role. She is incredibly mature and responsible when I need her to be. She is not immune from the day to day fussing and instigating to irritate her younger sisters. However, when it comes right down to it, I can always count on Kennedy to take the initiative to help her sisters and keep them safe.
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Our "brother"-- Digger Nascar Dickerson |
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Sister Stars |
Kennedy is intense. She is passionate. When Kennedy does something, she DOES it with all of her being. Some of her favorite things to do right now are play softball, read, and fish. She's pretty serious about hunting as well! She is such a great kid. She's what I would consider to be well rounded. One funny thing about Kennedy that many people don't realize is that she is a chicken! She can bargain her way out of just about anything if it involves thunder, the dark, or being alone. Remember her desperate need for her own room almost a year ago? Well, she has her own room now and hasn't slept in it alone yet. Poor Taylor has become the corner sleeper on the floor while Kennedy enjoys the bed.
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Serious about the game |
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No time to play. We are here to FISH! |
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All or nothing...including the jewelry |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Well, Poop!
This post may be TMI for some. However, if you've had children or spent significant amounts of time with them, it's just the norm.
About a week and a half ago, I had to take Blake to the doctor. She had an infection on her rear. The pediatrician didn't culture it, but acknowledge that it was either staph or strep and that a 10 day regimen of antibiotic should clear it right up. Within 48 hours, Blake was well on her way to recovery.
Obviously, that isn't exciting enough to be a post of its own, so here's be rest of the story...
After about 48 hours when the infection appeared to be healing nicely, Blake began grabbing at her bottom and whining A.LOT. I mean constant whining. As pitiful as she was, it made me smile (just before I began to think obscenities) each time she said, "Hut me! It hut me!"as she pulled at her crotch. I began to investigate this situation and finally figured out that although the whining was persistent, it was definitely exaggerated each time she had to pee.
Although she was on an antibiotic for the original infection, it seemed that maybe she had developed a urinary tract infection to go along with it. After spending a while on the phone with the nurse and the doctor on call, he suggested that we bring her to the office the next morning.
Naturally, they needed a urine sample from the very NOT potty-trained two year old. After several minutes of begging, bribing, and praying for urine, they decided to cath her to get the sample. Surprisingly, the sample was clear. So, as the pediatrician sat and watched Blake's hiney-grabbing, whining, squirming display of discomfort, he agreed that something was going on with her. But, he also acknowledged that he wasn't sure what the problem was because everything seemed to be normal and she did not "feel" constipated, etc.
He assured me that within a day or so she would either get better or her problem would become obvious enough to identify. Although I agreed, I was hesitant to leave the office without a real answer. After all, I wasn't concerned about a life-threatening situation, but I was concerned about my sanity with all of the whining, crying, etc. As I gathered up our things and he completed his chart notes, Blake loudly proclaimed, "I POOP!"
And, she did. Yes, she was constipated. Yes, she did cry. After witnessing "the poop", the doctor said that he was glad to know the problem but didn't really suspect it because she was so well hydrated, her abdomen didn't feel "full", and her discomfort seemed to be related to urinating.
Well, the problem was identified and a solution was in progress. And, we even had a plan to prevent the problem in the future. But, what we don't seem to have is Blake's faith.
She has been medicated for over a week now. She has only had soft poop in a week. However, the kid won't poop! Now, I know this has you thinking more about poop than you typically would in a month (unless you are my friend Jessica), but I am losing my mind!
Here's just a glimmer of our last 48 hours...
Blake: Momma, it huts me. Momma, up me! Up! Me! (As she squeezes her butt cheeks together and reaches up for me to hold her)
Me: Do you need to go potty?
Blake: No!
Me: I think you need to poop. Let's go sit on the potty.
Blake: No!
She sits on the pot. I read a book to her. I ask her to poop. I tell her to poop. I beg her to poop. She squirms and squeezes her butt cheeks together and tries to get off the pot. After about 10 minutes, I surrender to the toddler, replace the diaper, and begin again.
Blake: Up me! Hut me!
Me: Let's go potty
Blake: No!
I sit with her and try to talk her into pooping in the diaper. She continues to squirm and whine and make me crazy. She doesn't poop. She stands up and tries to walk around, but can't walk because she's trying to hold her butt cheeks together so she won't poop. Frustrated beyond explanation, my "super mom skills" kick in and I very affectionately grumble at her, "If you're gonna poop then do it. No one can do it but you. If you're not going to poop then just keep crying and whining about it. I'm sure it will help the situation."
Yes, this is my confession. I have ZERO patience left with this situation. How do I convince the kid that she is cured and should poop as needed?
About a week and a half ago, I had to take Blake to the doctor. She had an infection on her rear. The pediatrician didn't culture it, but acknowledge that it was either staph or strep and that a 10 day regimen of antibiotic should clear it right up. Within 48 hours, Blake was well on her way to recovery.
Obviously, that isn't exciting enough to be a post of its own, so here's be rest of the story...
After about 48 hours when the infection appeared to be healing nicely, Blake began grabbing at her bottom and whining A.LOT. I mean constant whining. As pitiful as she was, it made me smile (just before I began to think obscenities) each time she said, "Hut me! It hut me!"as she pulled at her crotch. I began to investigate this situation and finally figured out that although the whining was persistent, it was definitely exaggerated each time she had to pee.
Although she was on an antibiotic for the original infection, it seemed that maybe she had developed a urinary tract infection to go along with it. After spending a while on the phone with the nurse and the doctor on call, he suggested that we bring her to the office the next morning.
Naturally, they needed a urine sample from the very NOT potty-trained two year old. After several minutes of begging, bribing, and praying for urine, they decided to cath her to get the sample. Surprisingly, the sample was clear. So, as the pediatrician sat and watched Blake's hiney-grabbing, whining, squirming display of discomfort, he agreed that something was going on with her. But, he also acknowledged that he wasn't sure what the problem was because everything seemed to be normal and she did not "feel" constipated, etc.
He assured me that within a day or so she would either get better or her problem would become obvious enough to identify. Although I agreed, I was hesitant to leave the office without a real answer. After all, I wasn't concerned about a life-threatening situation, but I was concerned about my sanity with all of the whining, crying, etc. As I gathered up our things and he completed his chart notes, Blake loudly proclaimed, "I POOP!"
And, she did. Yes, she was constipated. Yes, she did cry. After witnessing "the poop", the doctor said that he was glad to know the problem but didn't really suspect it because she was so well hydrated, her abdomen didn't feel "full", and her discomfort seemed to be related to urinating.
Well, the problem was identified and a solution was in progress. And, we even had a plan to prevent the problem in the future. But, what we don't seem to have is Blake's faith.
She has been medicated for over a week now. She has only had soft poop in a week. However, the kid won't poop! Now, I know this has you thinking more about poop than you typically would in a month (unless you are my friend Jessica), but I am losing my mind!
Here's just a glimmer of our last 48 hours...
Blake: Momma, it huts me. Momma, up me! Up! Me! (As she squeezes her butt cheeks together and reaches up for me to hold her)
Me: Do you need to go potty?
Blake: No!
Me: I think you need to poop. Let's go sit on the potty.
Blake: No!
She sits on the pot. I read a book to her. I ask her to poop. I tell her to poop. I beg her to poop. She squirms and squeezes her butt cheeks together and tries to get off the pot. After about 10 minutes, I surrender to the toddler, replace the diaper, and begin again.
Blake: Up me! Hut me!
Me: Let's go potty
Blake: No!
I sit with her and try to talk her into pooping in the diaper. She continues to squirm and whine and make me crazy. She doesn't poop. She stands up and tries to walk around, but can't walk because she's trying to hold her butt cheeks together so she won't poop. Frustrated beyond explanation, my "super mom skills" kick in and I very affectionately grumble at her, "If you're gonna poop then do it. No one can do it but you. If you're not going to poop then just keep crying and whining about it. I'm sure it will help the situation."
Yes, this is my confession. I have ZERO patience left with this situation. How do I convince the kid that she is cured and should poop as needed?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
And We L-O-V-E Her...
Wow! Two years!
Blake Alayne made her appearance around noon on April 12. She was welcomed by two super-excited big sisters. Her gender was a surprise. In typical Kennedy and Taylor fashion, one wanted a brother and one a sister.
It's funny now that we can't even imagine life without her...or with a brother instead. She has been a living doll for the older sisters.
You know that saying about the third (or fourth or fifth) child being treated differently than the first children? Well, I have never been overly protective. However, I can say that poor BADkid has had it rough. I had a brilliant idea for an awesomely cute picture of her in the tire swing at the deer lease. Well, about 30 seconds later her head slipped between the two sides of the tire and was stuck. Yes, she screamed. Yes, I was a little embarrassed, but I also took a picture before I got her out!
When she's not being hauled around and "taken care of" by an older sister, she sleeps well. She was a pacifier baby. Bedtime required a pacifier and "the blanket". Somewhere around this time we figured out that the blanket was more about the soft tag, but the tag does have to be attached to HER substitutes, please!
Although Blake was born with hair, it didn't last long. When she was about a month old, it all fell out. She was not as bald as the pictures make it look, but the fuzz was thin! I cried when it all fell out. She is the first "bald" Dickerson girl that we've had.
She is all of the amazing things that moms always say about their children. I could write for days about how sweet and cuddly she can be--on her own terms. I could also write for days about how persistent and hard headed she is about so many things. She is a believer in the toddler's rules.
Remember that toddler's rules thing? She is a believer, and we have all lost our cool with her over OUR things!
I know that the more children you have, the less attention each of them get. Obviously we are taking a risk with THREE kids. But I think we can all agree that this child has been "mothered" enough. Seriously, look at those "mommy skills" with the eye contact and everything.
Blake Alayne Dickerson is T-W-O, and we L-O-V-E her!
Blake Alayne made her appearance around noon on April 12. She was welcomed by two super-excited big sisters. Her gender was a surprise. In typical Kennedy and Taylor fashion, one wanted a brother and one a sister.
Blake Alayne 5lb. 7oz. |
It's funny now that we can't even imagine life without her...or with a brother instead. She has been a living doll for the older sisters.
My first pedi |
Although she has been treated like a doll, she has also been exposed to many of Kennedy and Taylor's favorite activities. She has been decked out in camouflage from head to toe, enjoyed the 4-wheelers, and "hunted" since she was six months old.
My first deer call shirt and my first Hershey bar |
You know that saying about the third (or fourth or fifth) child being treated differently than the first children? Well, I have never been overly protective. However, I can say that poor BADkid has had it rough. I had a brilliant idea for an awesomely cute picture of her in the tire swing at the deer lease. Well, about 30 seconds later her head slipped between the two sides of the tire and was stuck. Yes, she screamed. Yes, I was a little embarrassed, but I also took a picture before I got her out!
Just swinging at the deer lease |
When she's not being hauled around and "taken care of" by an older sister, she sleeps well. She was a pacifier baby. Bedtime required a pacifier and "the blanket". Somewhere around this time we figured out that the blanket was more about the soft tag, but the tag does have to be attached to HER substitutes, please!
Sleeping at about 9 months |
My First Easter |
Author: Unknown
1.1- If I want it, it's mine
2- If it's in my hand, it's mine
3- If I can take it away from
you, it's mine
4- If I had it a little while ago, it's mine
5- If it's mine, it must never appear
to be yours in any way
6- If we are building something together,
all the pieces are mine
7- If it just looks like mine, it's mine
8- If I think it's mine, it's mine
9- If I give it to you and change
my mind later, it's mine
10- Once it's mine it will never belong
to anyone else, no matter what
1.1- If I want it, it's mine
2- If it's in my hand, it's mine
3- If I can take it away from
you, it's mine
4- If I had it a little while ago, it's mine
5- If it's mine, it must never appear
to be yours in any way
6- If we are building something together,
all the pieces are mine
7- If it just looks like mine, it's mine
8- If I think it's mine, it's mine
9- If I give it to you and change
my mind later, it's mine
10- Once it's mine it will never belong
to anyone else, no matter what
When you get into your sisters' room and stuff, they hold you down and "play" with you! This is what I found in Kennedy's room one morning before school.
Look Mom! She likes it! |
MY phone and MY boots! |
I may still have a pacifier, but I can read and write |
We are going to put all these lights where? |
I know that the more children you have, the less attention each of them get. Obviously we are taking a risk with THREE kids. But I think we can all agree that this child has been "mothered" enough. Seriously, look at those "mommy skills" with the eye contact and everything.
Don't cry baby, it's MY stroller! |
As the mother of two very vocal children, I was a little concerned about Blake's speech. The pediatrician wasn't concerned because he knows Kennedy and Taylor so well. He laughed and said that Blake probably had no real need to speak because she could point, grunt, and get results. He was right! Finally, around 21 months old, she started to show more interest in talking. It hasn't stopped!
Super sick baby still singing "your face will surely show it" |
Kennedy and Taylor were attached to their pacifiers. Blake, however, was even more attached (I'm pretty sure she was born with it). I was s.t.r.e.s.s.e.d. out about the pacifier. First, I knew that it was going to be miserable to get her to live without it. Secondly, I knew she was my last baby and I didn't want her to grow up. But, I was also concerned about her speech development. I'm "that mom" who was insistent that by two, we would be without the pacifier. As ridiculous as it sounds, even the grandparents were asking what I was going to do because I was "the one" who had taken it away from the other two girls.
In February (at 22 months old) Blake got sick. She was very sick. Although she was diagnosed with the flu at the Emergency Clinic, I'm sure it was really the lovely hand, foot, mouth disease. She had a crazy high fever and an obviously sore throat. She eventually developed and awesome rash that you can see around her mouth in the picture above. She was miserable, and I was exhausted and ready to leave home. She would not take the pacifier because her throat (mouth?) hurt. Although it was the longest week of my life, in the end it was wonderful because the pacifier problem had resolved itself. She asked a few times as she felt better, and we told her, "It was nasty and we put it in the trash". She smiled and said, "Nasty. In trash."
Blake is into everything. She is a climber like no other Dickerson. I suspect that might have contributed to the broken foot at 19 months old. I was going to insert a picture of her with the red cast, but I realized you can see them here.
Blake has recently began pulling the Barbie bucket around and using it for either A) a box to sit in or B) a stool to reach the things we've tried to put out of her reach! Taylor is still short enough that we have stools around. (Well, maybe I need them sometimes too!). But, Blake is so bad about climbing that we've had to keep them picked up. So, if you come to my house, you are likely to see a stool on the bar in the kitchen, the counter in the girls bathroom, and on the filing cabinet in the closet. Just last week I found her using my new camera in the bag as a stool to reach the box of goldfish on the counter.
Blake Alayne is precious, and we love her. She is exhausting, and we love her. She is funny, and we love her. BADkid is "cheese", and we love her. She is getting more hair, and we love her.
Baby Sit! |
Blake Alayne Dickerson is T-W-O, and we L-O-V-E her!
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