I have an amazingly, awesome nine year old. She made me a mom and Chad a dad. I never really thought a lot about that, but that's a huge accomplishment, right?
Kennedy and I at her first Rangers game |
Kennedy is beautiful.
Deer Lease Days |
I think all of my girls are beautiful, but something about her bronzed skin and striking eyes just make me stare at her in awe sometimes. She has a heart of gold. She is not perfect. Her number one struggle at this stage of life is pouting. Although pouting makes me crazy, I know that she is going to overcome this struggle.
Kennedy is SMART.
See. She knows to send in someone else to check it out first! |
I have always been very cautious not to label my children as "smart" because I teach kids in a public school. Approximately 99% of parents think their kids are above average, or even brilliant. Now, I know my kids are above average. Seriously, DNA like mine and Chad's...what else could they be other than phenomenal? Oh, let me reach my arm back around from patting myself on the back and get back to the point. Kennedy. Kennedy attended kindergarten, first grade, and second grade at the tiny school where I work. She stood out among many of her peers. Her teachers would rave about how well she did in school. I've heard several times, "If I had a class full of Kennedy..." or "I just love having her in class". As a teacher, I know that often the well-behaved kids are considered to be the top students. And even more often than that, the kids who have stable home lives and parents who read to them appear to be brilliant while the under-exposed children may need a few years to catch up on life experiences. So, I have been skeptical.
She's really just a country girl |
At the beginnin of third grade, Kennedy changed schools. She attended the school in our town rather than the school where I work. She went from a single class of each grade (about 22 students) to about 200 third graders. I was a nervous wreck about such a change for her. However, within her first three days of school, the school called. They wanted to do some testing to determine her IQ, etc. She was subsequently placed in the G/T program. (Disclaimer--I know that many intelligent children are not accepted into the G/T program. I know that most of us parents consider our "over-achiever" children to be gifted. I think Kennedy probably hoovers on the border and definitely is an over achiever. And to be honest, research shows that on average, the over-achiever type people are more successful than the truly gifted people based on ability to maintain employment, relationships, etc.) I was proud of Kennedy for being selected for the G/T program because it gave her a dose of confidence in a scary new school. And for the record, she has had a phenomenal year with amazing projects in G/T. The real point here was that in her new school with a lot of third graders, Kennedy got an award for reading. Yes, this is brag on Kennedy blog. I am so proud that she is able to excel "in the big pond" and not just at the tiny school.
Fashion? Well, she was going for the 80s look! |
Kennedy is definitely one of the best big sisters on the planet. Now, she has had almost seven years to practice this most important role. She is incredibly mature and responsible when I need her to be. She is not immune from the day to day fussing and instigating to irritate her younger sisters. However, when it comes right down to it, I can always count on Kennedy to take the initiative to help her sisters and keep them safe.
Our "brother"-- Digger Nascar Dickerson |
Sister Stars |
Kennedy is intense. She is passionate. When Kennedy does something, she DOES it with all of her being. Some of her favorite things to do right now are play softball, read, and fish. She's pretty serious about hunting as well! She is such a great kid. She's what I would consider to be well rounded. One funny thing about Kennedy that many people don't realize is that she is a chicken! She can bargain her way out of just about anything if it involves thunder, the dark, or being alone. Remember her desperate need for her own room almost a year ago? Well, she has her own room now and hasn't slept in it alone yet. Poor Taylor has become the corner sleeper on the floor while Kennedy enjoys the bed.
Serious about the game |
No time to play. We are here to FISH! |
All or nothing...including the jewelry |
This is one fine kid! She's funny. She's intuitive. She "gets it" when others may not. If she figures out how to deal with her disappointments approriately and always has a flashlight for the dark, she will be unstoppable in life!
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