A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sprout to Spud

Taylor Reid Dickerson came into the world on August 27. It was an emotional day. That was also the day Hurricane Katrina reached the coast of Louisiana. Those nights in the hospital I was overjoyed with our little bundle of joy, but also saddened at all the mothers who were having babies in shelters rather than hospitals. In five years, New Orleans has come a long way. Taylor has as well.

Taylor is sassy and smart. She is full of questions, comments, and just noise. The little turkey even talks in her sleep! She loves her sisters and goes out of her way to help them. She also loves to compliment people. She's famous for bringing you something that you don't need or want and saying, "you're welcome for bringing you..." as she hands it to you.

Here's Tater Baby at 4 months old...before she could talk.

Here's Tater Tot on Aunt Nancy's farm at about 15 months old. The beginning of the talking.

Here is some early evidence of the foolishness baked into this little potato. This is naptime when she's a little over 2 years old.

Tater Bug as a golf professional in the making (just before 3rd birthday)

Fried Tater looking serious on her fourth birthday at Nanny and Pa's house.

And now, my little Sweet Tater is all grown up. Here are a few pictures from her birthday weekend.

Selecting her American Girl Doll

Loading up on American Girl

At Bass Pro Shop

Here's the sweetest Tater story of the week. On Friday morning, Chad and I went in to wake her up for school. We said, "Happy Birthday, Tater! You're five years old now!" She rubbed her eyes, stretched, and rolled over to look Chad in the eyeballs (she sleeps on the top bunk). She said, "Daddy, even if I'm five will I still be your sweet baby girl?" Now that will melt a daddy's heart!

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