Remember back several weeks ago when I wrote a post about my goals for the new year? Well, it has been approximately four weeks since that post. I have to say, I had to go back and reread the post to even recall what those goals were. I mean, I knew what some of them were, but I could not recall the entire list.
I do realize that I have a lot of work left to do, but I have made some progress. Well, I have discovered that three of my goals are in direct conflict with each other. Specifically, I want to continue to nurse Blake until her first birthday, which involves the dreaded pump at school. Pumping really isn't that big of a deal, except that it takes time. And, that time happens to be during the lunch period of the two big girls. So, I have to figure out how to pump and have time for lunch with them once every other week. And, if that is not problematic enough, that is also my allotted time to work on special programs. Therefore, I have approximately one hour to take care of a lot of things that are all important to me. At this point, it seems that the most important item has been to get organized with my new responsibilities. I think that may be due to the fact that my kids can't fire me! But, it is important to me that I fit them into the schedule for lunch every few weeks.
Another goal that I have not devoted any time or effort to until last week is losing weight. I don't talk a lot about my weight because it is such an emotional subject for me. I did join Weight Watchers again last Monday. I joined Weight Watchers for the first time when Kennedy was 4 1/2 months old. I did lose weight and become a Lifetime member. After Taylor was born, I actually worked for Weight Watchers as a leader and lost weight again. However, before I was even pregnant with Blake, I gained a significant amount of weight. So, now I have the "baby weight" as well as the "I was lazy" weight to lose. I finally accepted that it isn't going to fall off (although some people claim it will if you nurse...LIARS!) and I must get started. Today is the first weigh in since I didn't start the program. Yep, you read that correctly. I went last week, but I haven't "worked the program" due to laziness, travel, and illness.
I did have the nurse check my blood pressure at school last week and it was good. Not fabulous, but better than it has been since Blake was born. So, there's a victory.
Sorry this post isn't too exciting. But, I have an idea for a post soon. It's going to be a sneak peek into Kennedy and Taylor's journals where I write their most memorable moments, etc.
You can do it !! You are a wonderful person, and I look up to you for everything ! I hope that I can be half as good at being a mom that you are :) and you will lose the weight you always do ! I would love to have the motivation that you have !!