A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Monday, December 12, 2011

What in the world did that baby do?

"What in the world did that baby do?"

Yes, that is the question I have been asked about a million times in the last couple of weeks.  I've replied, "we have no idea" and "um, we're not sure" and "well, the doctor thinks she broke her foot".

My all time favorite reply, "She fell off the roof while we were putting up our Christmas lights."    Yes, people look at me shocked and ask "Really?".  Of course I use my most responsible, grown up voice and say, "Not really."  When I actually want to say, "Well, of course she did!  Doesn't everyone put the 19 month old on the roof to hang Christmas lights?  Duh!  She didn't fall off the roof...and even if she did we would NEVER tell anyone!"

Blake first started limping the day before Thanksgiving.  She had reverted to some crawling on Thanksgiving.  So, I spent Black Friday at the doctor and hospital (for x-rays).  We are now referring to that day as Last Black Friday because it was officially the last day our checking account was in the black!

The first round of x-rays on her leg didn't show any problems.  The following week when she had not improved, we were referred to the orthopedic/sports medicine clinic.  The doctor there took additional x-rays of her foot and decided that her foot was injured. However, the x-rays wouldn't show the specifics because she's so young and her bones haven't calcified.  She thought Blake looked so petite and sweet that she could continue on with the limp and her foot would heal.  Basically she decided the cast wasn't worth the hassle, etc. because Blake did not appear to be in any pain.  I was THRILLED!!

Less than 48 hours later we were back in her office because Blake's foot was swelling and she refused to put any weight on it.  So, the doctor laughed and said, "Well, we thought she was delicate and dainty and we could get away without the cast.  However, it looks like she's going to need the cast to protect her from herself."

So, here's my little Candy Cane's Christmas pictures this year!  And, these cute pictures were taken by Brit.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

San Antonio Trip

It has been a while since this amazing trip to San Antonio, but that just means I have forgotten a ton of great stories that I would've shared.  I know, all of you are crying as you read this because long boring posts are your favorite!

Let me begin with this story from Kennedy.  As the date of the trip was approaching, I was telling Kennedy that she needed to ask Mrs.Bishop for her work.  I had already emailed the school to let them know that she would miss 2 days of school.  Kennedy was unaware of the fact that I had notified her teacher prior to this conversation.  She said, "Oh, I already told Mrs.Bishop we were going on a free vacation because your school is paying for it!"  Ouch!  That was not an exact translation of the conversation that she overheard.  Yes, we had to have the  "Private versus Public Information" talk.  What she actually overheard me say to my mother was, "We decided since I had to go to San Antonio for work and the school is buying the gas, we may as well take the entire family and make a weekend vacation of it."

The River Walk (before the rain)

The River Walk (during the rain)
Um...it's raining and we started WAY over there!

We made it back to the mall and found the frozen yogurt shop and it was "Two Spoon Good!"
Here's another funny from kid #1.  While we had yogurt, Chad walked over and bought a beer.  He walked back to us drinking his beer and Kennedy said, "Daddy if you can walk around the mall and drink a beer, what CAN you get arrested for in San Antonio?"

I can get ice!

Roll-Away Bed?

Blake was restless at the hotel so we went to
Sea World 45 minutes before opening...and she was restless there too!

Feeding Dolphins

Wait a minute, Daddy!  I'm not through looking!

I have no idea what they were looking at here, but aren't they cute?
San Antonio Trip
Waiting on a show to begin

How many times can you go through "Penguin Encounter" before they lose interest?
We still don't know, but Chad and I lost interest after about 4 times!

Behind bars at such a young age

This is Jack.  He's quite the celebrity at Sea World in October.
We were so proud our biggest chicken got close enough for a picture!

While Kennedy was visiting Jack, they were visiting the concession stand.

Sisters Forever


And the best Sea World picture of the day...
Wait for it!
Wait for it!

Yes, we are H~O~T!

Yes, we will do autographed copies if you send a self-addressed, self-stamped envelope to the Dickerson Domain in Henderson, Texas!

The final stop of the trip before the incredibly long drive home was the San Antonio Zoo.  I have been to many, many zoos.  I would encourage you to take the time to visit the San Antonio Zoo if you ever have the opportunity.  It was an awesome zoo!

Dragon Rides are FREE!

I think he could eat Tater!

You can imagine her saying "look!" In reality it was more like "uh, uh!"

Ever seen one of these in a vending machine?

Elephant rides are FREE too!

Kennedy in the Butterfly Garden

Taylor breaking the "Do Not Touch" Rules

Henderson City Limits Sign

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

45 Days

At the beginning of 2011, my goal was to update this blog 3 times each month.  I truly felt like once per week on most week was doable.  However, since it has been about 45 days since my last update (and about 30 before that), I've decided that in 2012, my goal will be one update per month.  Maybe I'll overachieve and sneak in two on some months!  With that, I decided to make a list of what we've done for the last 45 days since I posted.  Some of these will become links in the next few weeks because stories are collecting and need to be written!

1. Celebrated September birthdays for Dickersons and Sadie Watson
2. Blake was a chew toy at school for a couple of days
3. Dyslexia workshop
4. San Antonio for business and Sea World
5. San Antonio Zoo
6. Mini Cheer Camp and Performance @ football game
7. Kennedy's school homecoming week
8. Blake up all night
9. Blake to doctor--no apparent reason--minus $75
10. Tuesday/Thursday 5AM workouts with Sonia
11. Blake fell off my bed
12. Blake fell into the neighbor's goldfish pond (15 minutes after #11)
13. Homecoming week at Taylor's school--got a corsage from a boy
14. Pink Out day @ Taylor's school for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
15. Early release day @ Kennedy's school
16. No school day @ Taylor's school
17. Blake says "Tucker!" at kiddo across street
18. Constant trainings and retraining at work
19. Realize cooler weather and my kids are naked
20. Kennedy has sore throat
21. Kennedy goes to doctor--strep--drugs!
22. Miss attending Lori's baby shower because I have sore throat
23. Roscoe got baptized
24. Bunko at my house
25. Pumpkin carving and volleyball @ Aunt Candy's house
26. Girls got cards from Popsi in Pennsylvania (and I didn't get one!)
27. Get travel trailer ready to go to deer lease
28. Refrigerator goes out
29. Load up garage freezer to "save" groceries (see #28)
30. Acadia leaking something in garage floor (of course at the same time as #28-29)
31. Acadia goes to shop
32. Appreciate that travel trailer has working refrigerator as well as dorm refrigerator in garage
33. Repair man comes and FIXES refrigerator
34. Feed Popsi's cows and mow mom's yard
35. Conference with Kennedy's teacher
36. Storybook character pumpkin--Kaya the American Girl
37. Lunch with Kennedy at Wylie
38. Tumbling for Taylor
39. Finally meet Lisa at Fair Park
40. Kennedy melts down with sharing issues and moves into closet
41. Fall Festival at Taylor's school
42. Football duty in Chester, Texas
43. Fundraiser for A&P class
44. Cut firewood
45. Forget Karen's baby shower

Oh, and we went Trick Or Treating too!

Yes, things have been quite busy.  Today, I finally have time for an update because I'm at home with a sick kiddo.  Yep, Taylor said her stomach hurt this morning.  We went to school and she said she was good but tired.  By 8:20 her teacher called me.  She had vomited in her classroom.  While she was waiting at the high school for me to get things together to leave, she was sick again in the hall at the high school.  So, we called Chad on the way home to tell him we were headed home for rest and rehab.  He kindly suggested that we go to Wal-mart and get the groceries on the list.  Yes, he is a typical man!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Life in a Small Town

What have the Dickerson girls been up to?  Well, they have been keeping me laughing (between fits of frustration)!

Friday, September 2, on the way home from school, Taylor asked if she could call Mimi.  Here's the conversation.

Taylor: Mimi, did you know tomorrow is my mom's birthday?
Mimi:  Yes, I did.
Taylor: Oh! (As she tried to cover her disappointment)
Mimi: Taylor, did you know tomorrow is mine and Popsi's anniversary?
Taylor:  Really?
Mimi:   Yes, your mom was born on mine and Popsi's anniversary.
Taylor:  You mean that you had to go to the hospital on your anniversary?  That is NOT good!

Determined to be the one to share the big news with someone, Taylor asked to call Memaw.  I'm sure everyone remembers our last few posts about Memaw.  If you need a refresher, you can click here and here.  

Back to the phone call to Memaw...

Taylor: Memaw, did you know that tomorrow is my mom's birthday?  Do you want to come to our house to spend the night for my mom's birthday?

Me (yelling to the back of the car): Do NOT invite Memaw to our house to spend the night for my birthday.

Taylor: I know you can't drive, but Nanny will bring you.

Me (still yelling): Taylor, do NOT invite Memaw to spend the night at our house.  We are not having a birthday party tomorrow.

Taylor:  Memaw, I know Nanny will bring you to our house if you just call her and ask her.

Me (considering parking the car on the side of the road to physically intervene): TAY-LOR!  Do NOT invite Memaw to our house!  We ARE NOT having a party!  Tell Memaw bye!

Taylor (to me after ending the call): Mom, Memaw said that she can't come to our house tomorrow for your birthday.  I told her that if she will just call Nanny that Nanny will bring her to our house to spend the night for your birthday.  Don't you think Nanny will bring her?

On a different note...
Kennedy is at a new school this year.  She is going to school where we live rather than where I teach.  Henderson is a typical "small town" where everyone knows everyone and everyone's family.  The teachers at Kennedy's new school are beginning to figure out who she is and "where she comes from".  She apparently doesn't listen well and just puts pieces of conversations together.

One day she came home and said, "Mom, I learned something about you today."  Curiously I asked, "what?".  She said, "I learned that YOU taught Mrs.Bishop's husband!"  As I giggled, I explained to her that Mrs.Bishop is close to Mimi and Popsi's age, and that they have children about my age. I think she finally understood when I told her Mrs.Bishop's husband taught while I was in school, and I later taught in the same district with him.  Surely she doesn't really think I'm old enough to have taught Mr.Bishop...I hope.

Today Kennedy was telling me about some teachers at her school who know my parents.  She was going on about Mrs.Trimble and Mrs.Griffith.  She said, "They told me that they knew my Popsi when he was in school or something."  I asked if they told her that Popsi was a bad kid.  She said, "No.  They just said they knew all the Akin people."  She said proudly, "I told them that Popsi is in Pennsylvania and he works for the C. I. and A."  As I tried to not laugh out loud, I explained to Kennedy that Popsi is in Pennsylvania, but he works for C.B.&I."  She said, "Oops!"

They are so funny.  I think it's my reward from God for surviving another day of Motherhood.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You should write a book!

I can't even begin to count the number of times someone has said to me, "You should write a book!" regarding the funnies from the mouths of my children. I am happy to say that I have actually started two books. I am not even beginning to suggest that you'll see my name on a shelf at one of those large book stores some day. My two (soon to be three) books will be tucked away in a drawer at each of my daughters' houses.

Each of the girls has a book where I record funny things they say and do. I also make it a point each year to have their teachers write a little note to them regarding their year at school. It's pretty sappy, but I hope they will treasure it as much as I do. Well, now that I actually type these words I'm thinking that they may not get their books until I'm dead and gone. My original plan was to give each book to the main character at her college graduation, marriage, etc. Some big event. But, as those events begin to seem more near and less far, I'm not sure I can part with the books that soon.

With all of that out of the way, here are some great moments from the last two weeks!

Monday evening, I went walking with some friends while Chad got the girls ready for bed. When I returned home, all three girls were sleeping. Tuesday morning, I met a friend of mine to workout (yes, she's the trainer and I'm the one about to pass out). When I came in the door at 6:15 AM, Taylor was eating breakfast. She looked up at me and said, "You walked all night long?".

Thursday of last week, I asked Kennedy about her lunch at school. She's the picky kid who prefers to pack a lunch every day. She said, "My sandwich was a lot better than what those other kids were eating." I asked what the cafeteria served. She answered, "Those kids were eating chicken bladders!" I obviously grinned a little and asked more questions. She finally said that a student asked the principal what the food was and he (jokingly) said it was chicken liver. The other kids argued and said theirs was chicken bladder. I'm reasonably sure that all of the kids were joking. My silly girl is at a new school and believes e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. right now!

Continuing with the food theme...

One day last week Taylor came into my office after school. I asked how her day was. She began the usual run down about first grade happenings. Then she got all excited and said, "I ate all that greenish-yellowish stuff on my apple." I said, "You mean the skin?" She looked at me with wrinkled brows and said, "That greenish-yellowish stuff!" I explained that it is the skin of the apple. Then I asked, "Well, did you eat the apple?" She said, "Mom, I told you I ate all that greenish-yellowish stuff off and that was all!" I'm willing to bet that I am the parent of one of only a handful of six year olds in America who eat the skin off the apple and throw the rest away!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm seeing red

Remember that last post about the one item on my wishlist that I did not get to mark off this summer?  Well, get out the marker!  A couple of good friends volunteered to help with the project.  I think all I needed was some motivation. 
This project has taken place in stages. The first reason was money. Other than money, what else seems to be lacking in our lives? TIME. We didn't have the money to do a total kitchen remodel so we attacked the most disturbing features first. I'll let you look at this first picture and see if you can guess what that might have been.

Yes, when we bought this house the counter tops were "burnt orange". I know some real UT fans might think that's cool. However, those of us with more sense (and Aggie dads) know that the orange color was ridiculous. The first time I walked into this house I was s.h.o.c.k.e.d. that it had these counter tops. I called Chad and said it wasn't bad, but the kitchen needed some attention.

Here's a nice close up of the wallpaper that was in the kitchen, dining area, and entry from the garage. Yes, it is all pretty open, but there is a lot of wallpaper and this is just not cool!

We obviously did buy the house. The deal was that the kitchen would get attention-QUICKLY! But, six months later we learned that Tater Tot was on the way. Obviously, our priorities changed. Eventually we did manage to have new cabinet doors and drawer fronts, counter tops, and paint on the cabinets. That is what we considered stage one of the work. Here, you can see the stage one new stuff.

Here are the new counter tops up close.

The knobs were not a necessity for stage one because the doors and drawers have an angled edge so that knobs are "optional". Well, for someone who is anal about fingerprints and has small children with grubby hands, they are NOT optional.  But again, not part of stage one.

Here's the general timeline so you can appreciate my patience with this project. We moved into this house in July 2004. Stage one happened in August-October 2008. Toward the end of stage one Chad and I were discussing what would happen next. I explained that the wallpaper had to go. So, he conveniently reached over and pulled a piece of paper off the wall. I almost had heart failure as I tried to explain to him that I meant it would EVENTUALLY have to go. But, it was too late. So, for the last 3 years I have enjoyed looking at a large random ripped wallpaper. If you look closely behind the adorable (and much younger) Kennedy and Sadie you can see the hideousness by the trashcan.

Finally, August 2011, we began stage two of the project. Here's what my house looked like Friday night as Chad and I had some awesome conversations while destroying the kitchen.

Saturday morning we had been to two different home improvement stores and were back home working by 8:15. Chad continued to remove the wallpaper while I began to texture the wall. Mid-morning our awesome friends, the Lee family, came over to help. By 4:30 Saturday afternoon, we had 2 coats of the taupe paint on the bottom and one coat of red paint on the top. We took the evening to enjoy our "crap, summer's almost over" cook out with the Lee family. Sunday morning I was painting by 7:15. Here's what it looked like at about 5:00 Sunday evening.

It's amazing what some texture and paint can do for a kitchen. Kennedy came in the door (from Nanny and Pa's house for the weekend) and said, "Wow! It looks like a whole new house!".

Obviously, we aren't finished. I still have some touch up painting and two doors to paint. We will also have new blinds in the windows, new light fixtures, and knobs for the doors and drawers.

In a perfect world, I'd also like new appliances. Since we've replaced everything except the refrigerator in the last 6 years, it's not likely.  We replaced them one at a time as needed and just matched what was left.  We didn't realize (or even consider the possibility) that the major appliances would be replaced within a few years or I would've gotten stainless along the way.  Maybe one day...

Friday, August 5, 2011

School Supplies?

I am not necessarily ready to go back to work, but it is the time of year that I yearn for routine. I know I could figure out how to incorporate routine into our summer days. But, I don't. We just take one day at a time and periodically stop to evaluate our progress on each wish list.

This summer my wish list had one major item. The kitchen wallpaper needed to come down (at least the part that my husband didn't rip down almost 2 years ago) and the wall be textured and painted or re-papered. I have one week of summer left. I haven't started!

But, none of that was the point of this post. The point of this post is school supplies. Today the girls and I are headed out to buy school supplies for the upcoming year. I am as bad as the kids. I L.O.V.E. new school supplies.

After 10 years of teaching, I have discovered that you should buy school supplies now while things are cheaper. It amazes me that 12 Crayola map colors cost $0.99 in August and $2.97 in October. I'm sure that is a true reflection of the cost of production, right? :)

So, this morning I pull out the school supplies lists and get on the computer to check out some of my favorite office supply store weekly ads. Yes, I am that person who will make a list of where things like crayons are 1 penny per box and make four stops around town.

Last year, we did well. We bought the school supplies from both kiddos list and managed to spend less than $20. Now, I know some of you are wondering, "how the heck did she do that?" This is where things get a little "icky". If you are an elementary teacher, you should probably tune out here...

So, no more elementary teacher readers now. Right? Yep. I knew they wouldn't stop reading. They want to know my secret too!

Here's the big, ugly, dark secret...I did not buy all the things in the quantities on the list. Specifically those items that are not traditionally school supplies. Sshhhh. I know. I am a teacher. I should know better. But, on the other hand. I am a teacher and have "heard" how some classrooms work.

I've randomly selected some lists from local schools. Here are some of my favorite things for school supplies lists for elementary kids this school year. Do a little mental calculations assuming 20 kids in each class bring this stuff.

box of gallon and quart zipper bags (and many other combinations at various schools)
bottle of alcohol
package of cotton balls
3-5 boxes of tissues (200 count)
2-3 packs of baby wipes
Ranch dressing--yes, it was on there!
3x3 post it notes
96 #2 pencils (yes, it clearly requested 96 pencils)
4 packages of dry erase markers
package of 100 sheets of multi-colored cardstock
2 (minimum 8oz) bottles of liquid hand sanitizer
3 packages of wide ruled paper
1-4 reams of printer paper

Some lists even had over 15 lines of items with a note at the bottom that said something about a $4-10 "supply fee" or "science fee" in addition to the other stuff.

I know every situation probably has an explanation. I am sure that none of these items are just carried forward from year to year without addressing if a surplus from the year before might be enough for the following year. I also know that some of these are purely for convenience. Yes, I know kids who have come home from school with a zipper bag of papers in the same backpack as an empty folder.

I've thought a lot about this over the last few years. Here are my thoughts (again, I have never taught elementary so I may be CLUELESS).

Allow students to keep their own tissues, hand sanitizer, pencils, etc. in their personal space. I know my personal children understand that they don't need 4 tissues at a time to blow their noses. They have also learned that when you are wasteful you get less than desirable consequences...like maybe those awesome brown paper towels for tissue? I also realize that some students are not mature enough to keep up with their own supplies and ration out their 96 pencils through out the year. But, isn't that a great skill to learn in elementary?

Or, if that is too much trouble.  Maybe some teacher somewhere should do a trial run at not having a school supply list.  Instead, request that each student pay a supply fee.  Then the teacher can use discount supply catalogues (and not pay sales tax) to order in bulk.  A classroom of 20 kids with a $25 fee would have $500. 

I did notice that some school lists specified that boys bring some items while girls bring others.  That is helpful in reducing the amount of items collected.  And, I did notice that it seems that fewer schools are requiring specific brands of items.

Yes, I do know that elementary teachers spend a fortune of their own money for classroom things. I also know that my kids have been blessed with amazing teachers who do amazing projects and their supplies are expensive. I am not criticizing a specific grade, teacher, or even school district. It is just the whole concept of massive amounts of EXPENSIVE items that are not found in the school supply section of the local department store and a nice note at the bottom that requests that you NOT label items (in some districts).

Anyone have any other ideas?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tater Tot Doesn't Stop...E.V.E.R.

All three of my girls are special.  All three of my girls make my heart swell with pride.  All three of my girls make me want to pull my hair out by the root occassionally too! 

This particular girl

loves life. She compliments everyone. She laughs big. She is precious. She is curious about the world around her. She is exhausting thorough with her questions about the world.

Here's the conversation we recently had while driving down the road.

Taylor: Mom, have you ever scared a bird?

Me: I don't know Taylor. What do you mean?

Taylor: Have you ever scared a bird?

Me: I don't know.

Taylor: Have you ever had bird poop on your windwhield?

Me: Yes.

Taylor: Well, then you HAVE scared a bird.

Me: Well then I guess I have scared a bird.

Taylor: When did you scare a bird?

Me: I don't know.

Taylor: When did a bird poop on your window?

Me: I don't remember, Taylor.

Taylor: What kind of bird was it?

Me: I don't know, Taylor

Taylor: Well, what color was the bird?

Me: Taylor, I don't remember.

Taylor: Mom, how do you know you scared a bird if you don't remember what color it was?

Me: Taylor, I don't remember all of the deatials but I am sure a bird has pooped on my windshield before.

Taylor: Mom, how do you know the bird was scared?

Me: Taylor, can we just be quiet for a few minutes?

Taylor: Yes m'am.

(Silence for less than 45 seconds)

Taylor: Mom...

People keep asking if Blake can talk yet. She does say a few words and communicats quite well with signs. But, she is definitely not as verbal as the oldest two Dickerson girls were at her age. Somehow I feel blessed.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crying baby? Memaw can help!

I am not feeling guilty about the lack of blogging, but I have entertaining things to blog about today. I thought I should take the time to get it posted before I lose interest.

Finally about 9:45 Friday night we got all three girls and Memaw in the bed sleeping. After being threatened for getting up and changing beds, it was settled. Kennedy and Taylor were on the bunk beds in Kennedy's room. Blake was in her crib and Memaw was on the twin bed in Blake's room. I finished up a book I had been reading and headed to bed.

About 2:30 AM I heard Blake crying. This is not too unusual after days like yesterday. For some reason when we have certain company naps get interrupted and kids get grumpy. Who knows how that happens, right?

Back to Blake. I heard her crying at 2:30 and jumped up and ran down the hall to her room hoping to get there before Memaw tried to handle the situation. When I went into the room, Memaw was standing at the crib. With great irritation in her voice, she said, "This is the second time she woke up. She was up at one seventy-one. I thought she was cold so I wrapped her blanket around her." I asked, "What time did she get up?" Memaw replied, "One seventy-one. I'll just take her to Frankie." Mind you all of this conversation is within seconds as I'm reaching into the crib to get Blake. Memaw continues, "I can just take her to Frankie. If she gets up again that's what I'll have to do".

I briskly snatch up the kid, blanket, and pacifier and head to the kitchen. I've spoiled her and so I typically make her a small cup of milk before I send her back to bed. As I'm rocking and Blake is enjoying her milk, it occurs to me that I can't put her back in the room with Memaw. Normally I would put her in the pack and play, but it is in the room with Memaw. I could put her in my bed, but not with me and Chad because I can't sleep with my kids. I can't just give her my spot because she'll probably fall off the bed. So, I try to wake Chad up for help, but he's oblivious. I finally manage to use one had to hold the sleeping child and one hand to spread put a blanket in the corner of our room. Miraculously, she looks at me, takes her blanket, rolls over, and goes right to sleep on the blanket.

After getting back into the bed, I woke Chad up to make sure he wouldn't step on her in the morning since he managed to sleep through the entire ordeal. I was wired. I guess that my "Mommy instinct" kicked in and adrenaline took over my body. Obviously I knew she couldn't get to Frankie in Longview, but I was very concerned about her trying to walk and stumble with her while she (Memaw) was obviously a little disoriented.

Needless to say, after trying to make myself go back to sleep for about an hour I gave up. I just got out of the bed and moved into the living room to stand guard over my babies!

When Chad got out of the bed at 6:00, I got into the bed. Of course, Blake was awake for the day by 6:30!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Where have I been?

Last week someone mentioned to me that I had not updated the blog lately.  I guess I had not really thought about it.  After all, it is summer.  Those of us who teach take summer very serious.  To think someone actually thought that I would THINK or even WRITE during the summer is ridiculous!  Seriously though, today I looked back and was surprised that it has been over a month.  So, I got out my trusty camera and arranged the pictures by date to see what exactly I've been doing since the last update.  Here's what you've missed out on with the Dickerson Family!

First, I made a whirlwind trip to NYC that went from idea to leave for NYC and return home from NYC in about a week. It was crazy...but memorable and fun. Friday night I met a good friend from high school and we had dinner and saw Billy Elliot on Broadway. Here we are on the big screen in Times Square. Can you find us?

Then, on Saturday I fought my way through Penn Station to find my parents as they made their arrival from New Jersey on the train. Later that evening we were out checking out Rockefeller Center. Aren't they just too cute?

Friday evening we enjoyed the the Brooze Brothers performance in downtown Henderson. The girls and their friends managed to almost take over the stage.

On July 4, we went to Nanny and Pa's house to see the fireworks. Fortunately for us, they have spectacular viewing opportunities from the backyard so we don't have to pay the money or fight the traffic to see the fireworks in the city of Tyler. Pa even provided a stage for the girls for this annual event.

Here, Kennedy sings Taylor Swift...

And then Taylor sings...

And then BADkid follows and repeats EVERYTHING she has ever seen her sisters do...

And of course, the host, hostess, and 2 grandkids. There was a rumble of thunder (or 200) and Kennedy took cover in the house.

Although I've lived here most of my life, I had never been through the Tyler Rose Garden. One day the girls and I had about an hour to kill and took a tour. Here are the oldest 2 checking out the ponds, etc before they were distracted with the roses.

It was H.O.T. I don't remember exactly, but think somewhere in the range of 102 or 103 with 99% humidity. Blake said

And, we had the BIG event of the summer...Kennedy went to overnight camp for the first time. She was amazingly brave. We took her to camp and dropped her off to spend six nights without her knowing a single person there.

While Kennedy was gone to camp, Taylor and I cooked. Here we are with our super cute aprons!

And, we played in the rain...and small pond that our new back porch created. I would never say "I told you so" but I suggested we might need gutters. Bob said we didn't. Would anyone else like to offer up an opinion?

Blake learned to love other people's shoes and boots. This was the night of her surgery (just tubes).

Oh, and it was FINALLY time to go back and get Kennedy from camp. Here's the goofy daddy and Blake sliding down from the giant tree house at Pine Cove Camp.

Last week was Mimi's birthday. I had my 3 and my brother's 2 kids helping prepare for the surprise party. Here you can see everyone getting ready to work hard on the cake.

Blake worked herself up to this...before we even opened the box of cake mix...

We had to have decorations.

I'd never tell the world how old my mom is, but I will say we bought a box of 80 candles and used all of them but 24! (love you mom!)

We are under a burn ban in East Texas. Glad this small forest fire didn't get out of control.

This picture just makes me smile. I vaguely remember my dad being a grouch when I was a kid. Somehow I think that my kids don't see him in the same light.

We have a new artist in the neighborhood. She's one of those "all natural" kind of artists.

Although we've been super busy, it seems that we do spend a lot of time just being at home. The big girls enjoy reading to the BADkid when she'll let them hold the book and turn the pages when they finish reading a page rather than when she gets an itch to turn the page.

And for some reason, none of us can keep up with our shoes!

So, although technically I'm off for the summer, I've been busy every single day. It's been super hot, super busy, super fun, and super challenging!