A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crying baby? Memaw can help!

I am not feeling guilty about the lack of blogging, but I have entertaining things to blog about today. I thought I should take the time to get it posted before I lose interest.

Finally about 9:45 Friday night we got all three girls and Memaw in the bed sleeping. After being threatened for getting up and changing beds, it was settled. Kennedy and Taylor were on the bunk beds in Kennedy's room. Blake was in her crib and Memaw was on the twin bed in Blake's room. I finished up a book I had been reading and headed to bed.

About 2:30 AM I heard Blake crying. This is not too unusual after days like yesterday. For some reason when we have certain company naps get interrupted and kids get grumpy. Who knows how that happens, right?

Back to Blake. I heard her crying at 2:30 and jumped up and ran down the hall to her room hoping to get there before Memaw tried to handle the situation. When I went into the room, Memaw was standing at the crib. With great irritation in her voice, she said, "This is the second time she woke up. She was up at one seventy-one. I thought she was cold so I wrapped her blanket around her." I asked, "What time did she get up?" Memaw replied, "One seventy-one. I'll just take her to Frankie." Mind you all of this conversation is within seconds as I'm reaching into the crib to get Blake. Memaw continues, "I can just take her to Frankie. If she gets up again that's what I'll have to do".

I briskly snatch up the kid, blanket, and pacifier and head to the kitchen. I've spoiled her and so I typically make her a small cup of milk before I send her back to bed. As I'm rocking and Blake is enjoying her milk, it occurs to me that I can't put her back in the room with Memaw. Normally I would put her in the pack and play, but it is in the room with Memaw. I could put her in my bed, but not with me and Chad because I can't sleep with my kids. I can't just give her my spot because she'll probably fall off the bed. So, I try to wake Chad up for help, but he's oblivious. I finally manage to use one had to hold the sleeping child and one hand to spread put a blanket in the corner of our room. Miraculously, she looks at me, takes her blanket, rolls over, and goes right to sleep on the blanket.

After getting back into the bed, I woke Chad up to make sure he wouldn't step on her in the morning since he managed to sleep through the entire ordeal. I was wired. I guess that my "Mommy instinct" kicked in and adrenaline took over my body. Obviously I knew she couldn't get to Frankie in Longview, but I was very concerned about her trying to walk and stumble with her while she (Memaw) was obviously a little disoriented.

Needless to say, after trying to make myself go back to sleep for about an hour I gave up. I just got out of the bed and moved into the living room to stand guard over my babies!

When Chad got out of the bed at 6:00, I got into the bed. Of course, Blake was awake for the day by 6:30!

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