A few weeks ago, Mom went to Austin with me to keep Blake while I attended a workshop. Every trip has a "you'll never forget this" moment. Well, Mom and I checked into the hotel at approximately 9:30 PM on Wednesday night. Now, if you've ever traveled with a small child, you can appreciate the amount of things that must travel with you. We had the stroller, car seat, portable swing, diaper bag, suitcase, and floor gym. We were all wedged into the elevator with a nice guy in slacks and a button up shirt. He appeared to be there on business. As we rode up to the fourth floor, I felt him push back against the luggage cart and feared that I had allowed it to roll into him. As the elevator door opened, he passed out! Yes, he passed out and fell onto the floor and my mom's feet. I stepped over him and contemplated if I should grab him by the ankles to pull him out of the elevator so that Mom and Blake could get out. I kind of shook him and asked, "Are you okay?". He opened his eyes and looked very confused. He said, "No, I'm not okay". I asked about his health issues such as diabetes or epilepsy. He suddenly got up and said, "I passed out again. I'm okay. I just need a drink of water" as he ran into his room directly across from the elevator. Completely shaken, mom and I hurried into our room and notified the front desk. Within a few minutes, the lady from the front desk called back and in a friendly voice with a British accent said, "The gentleman in Room 421 is okay. He said he just needed a bit of water."
Oh.My.Goodness! I needed a bit more than water after that ordeal!
Last week, I had to travel to Dallas for Dyslexia training. This time, my mother-in-law came along to take care of Blake. This trip was not nearly as exciting as the trip to Austin, but I did have another moment to remember. The morning we left, I had pumpkins to deliver to LCHS, two kids to deliver to LC Elementary, Blake and all her "stuff", and myself. Notice anything missing on that list? Think about it. Did you figure it out? I did not have my own stuff! I had my purse and one shirt that happened to be hanging. Other than that, I only had the clothes that I was wearing. Now, I noticed this mishap when I got to Tyler, but I did not have time to drive back to Henderson and get to the training on time. So after the training and a tour of the ghettos of Dallas, I found a Wal-mart where I purchased the necessities of life. This was one time in my life that I am really glad to be a low maintenance kind of gal!
Here are a couple of random pictures of my girls and the things they've been doing. Before you try to make the logical connection--There is NONE! I just like to post pictures of my girls!
This is the girls dressed for church at the Cowboy Church (before I made Taylor change shoes).

And this is Kennedy giving Taylor a massage at Spa Dickerson.

And this is Taylor in the morning before she's brushed her hair for school. Her face says it all...
Can I come to spa Dickerson for a massage? I also need a new hairdo. I bet Taylor could help with that. :-) That looks like Molly in the morning. Sometimes I just want to cut all that pretty blonde hair of hers off just so it would be easier to deal with!