Monday evening was a disaster turned circus at our house. We were busy rushing around trying to get all of the usual things checked off the list---eat dinner, brush teeth, baths, PJs, prayers, bed.
I was preparing some kind of gourmet meal (a.k.a. turkey sandwiches) and the oldest two children were fussing, fighting, and irritating me in general. Blake was in the Bumbo perched on the stove "talking" to me. None of the noise was particularly bad, but there was A LOT of it. The day had been long and stressful, and I was out of patience. Taylor came into the kitchen with an attitude and said, "Where is the cheese thing?" (as she reached to where she left it the day before). The "cheese thing" is the cheese slicer that she uses to mutilate the block of cheese while trying to fix herself a sandwich. Very sarcastically, I said, "It is in the dishwasher. The magic fairy came yesterday and cleaned the kitchen again." She opened the dishwasher and found the cheese slicer. Within a few minutes, Kennedy came into the kitchen. She approached the dishwasher to ask if the dishes were clean. I was quite irritated because I'm the only one who ever knows if the dishes are clean because I am the only one loading the dishwasher. So, I was all fired up and ready to act like a fool when Taylor suddenly jumped up out of her chair and shouted with huge arm motions, "Kennedy--a magic fairy came to OUR house and cleaned up last night!"
Needless to say, my poor attitude was immediately replaced with a laugh and a smile. That Tater Tot has a way of driving me to the edge. But, she always manages to rescue my sanity at just the right moment! Until next time...this magic fairy has work to do! And for the record, Chad does clean the kitchen occasionally.
Awww I love this :) && by the way "the cheese thing" is my favorite kitchen tool !! I love your family !