Well, in Blake's world things seem to change pretty much every day. She has learned to eat in the last month. She is not real crazy about baby food. That's fine with us (and our pediatrician). She does like pasta of any kind, yogurt, pudding, and all kinds of desserts. She's also learned to use a sippy cup...sort of. She likes the idea of the cup, but is too lazy (young?) to hold it. Just this weekend she has learned to sit up on her own. She can sit alone for several minutes as long and neither of the sisters come along and talk to her. It seems that where her eyes go, her body is sure to follow!
This picture actually captures two of my favorite Blake Things...her eyes and her feet!
This time of year is always lots of fun for the older girls. They both love to dress up and be drama queens. Lucky for me, this time of year I get to pretend that they are only doing it for the festivities!
This week, we had a date with two of our favorite little girls. Sadie and Sophie came over and we carved pumpkins (thank you Aunt Nancy!). Back up just a moment. The four girls drew on their pumpkins with permanent markers. Let me take a moment here to ask, "what is the fascination with permanent markers?" My girls ask me at least two times a day if they can use a permanent marker on something ridiculous like writing their names on their homework papers or crossing off the day on the cafeteria menu. They just love the markers.
Anyway, on with the fun. Sadie, Sophie, Kennedy, and Taylor each had a pumpkin and an array of permanent markers. They drew EXACTLY what they wanted on their pumpkins. Then, we cut the pumpkins open. I personally don't care for the smell of a pumpkin. But, let me just say that Sadie Grace L-O-V-E-D the smell of the pumpkin. After much digging, seed slinging, and fun we had four gutless pumpkins. The girls dispersed and Amanda and I began the task of carving pumpkins. Yes, I know the girls are supposed to carve, but if you know our four girls, you would not recommend that we give them knives! I want you to get the full effect. Imagine this...
Me: So, Amanda, what's new in your world.
Amanda: Well, we are getting ready to...
Taylor: Mom! Mom! Look at this cartwheel.
Me: Yes, Taylor, that was awesome. You and Soph go play.
Amanda: Well, we are getting ready to...
Sophie: Mom! Tucker just came outside!
Amanda: Yes, Sophie. Ya'll can play with Tucker too.
Me: So, what's new?
Amanda: Well, we've been getting things together for...
Kennedy: M-o-o-o-m-m, those eyes were supposed to have eyelashes! See where I drew eyelashes?
Me: Look, I'm working on those. Go play!
Amanda: Well, we're thinking about...
Sadie: M-O-M, I drew dollar signs for eyes! Why doesn't the pumpkin have dollar signs for eyes?
And, it went on and on like that for about an hour. Eventually, Amanda and I had four perfectly carved pumpkins. Kennedy and Sadie had a blast. Taylor and Sophie played together and talked about everything in the world, and Amanda and I almost completed one thought in one conversation. As the Watson's drove out of the driveway I was thinking, "I still wonder what's new in Amanda's world!"
Here's the picture!
Another day last week, we had pictures taken. I haven't seen them yet, so don't ask. However, I will tell you that we drove up, took pictures, and left in about 10 minutes. It was by far the fastest picture session E.V.E.R. And, no I'm not complaining. But, when we got home the girls wanted us to have our own picture session because Mrs.Melody didn't take long enough! :) So, since our grass is dry and crunchy, we used the neighbors' luscious, green grass for our pictures. Blake wasn't so cooperative. Rather than fight her, I told the girls to just lie her down and I'd take their pictures. She was kind of smiling, so I went ahead and took some with her in them too. When I looked at this particular one, it really made me laugh. Blake looks like Flat Stanley! I think I'll just put her in a suitcase and send her around the world!
Ok, I'm still laughing at Flat Stanley!! Its killing me! And you got our conversation exactly right! So...what's new in your world? Maybe we can communicate better online :)