A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Computer is here, but author is MIA

The new computer has arrived.  Actually it came last Friday.  I started this very post on Friday evening promising more frequent updates to the post.  Well, I got frustrated pretty quickly because I was trying to hurry and get to bed for the BIG DAY Saturday.

Saturday we got up and headed out to the BIG DAY.  About 40 miles into the trip, I began to realize that my kinda scratchy throat on Friday night was quickly developing into a terrible cough, back and leg aches, and general misery.  However, it was the BIG DAY, and I couldn't turn back.  I actually contemplated having Chad leave me at some chain restaurant and calling my mom and dad to come and get me to take me home.  However, I was as excited and nervous as the STAR of the day, and I had to be there.

So, naturally, I went.  It was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. and stressful and ridiculously expensive.  However, the STAR was able to shine like a million bucks.  And, even when she didn't really shine, she thought she did!

After the BIG DAY, the STAR, Daddy, and I went to bed.  Sunday morning, I'm not sure what happened.  Chad and Taylor disappeared and I slept until after 2PM.  I finally crawled out of the bed long enough to shower and find nourishment.  Shortly after that, I was back in the bed. 

Monday was probably one of the most efficient days of my life.  I did not expend one Joule of energy that wasn't absolutely necessary.  Out the door for school by 7AM, back in the recliner to sleep by 7:30.  Out the door to doctor by 11:00 AM, back in the recliner to sleep by 12:30PM.  Out the door to pick girls up by 2:55PM, back in the recliner to sleep by 3:30PM.  My super-wonderful husband even came home early and cooked dinner.

Tuesday I drug myself back to work.  Ask someone who saw me at LC on Tuesday.  People said "Do you feel bad? Are you OK? and Why are you here?" all day long.  I heard, "Dang, if you feel as bad as you look, when's the funeral?"  It was that  bad.

Today I am much better.  However, I'm still not fantastic.  But I promised blogs, and I want to deliver.  So here's your blog.  The problem is that this fancy new computer has Windows 8.  My old computer had Windows -3, I think.  It was before Windows started numbering, I'm sure.  Regardless, I can't figure out how to do a darn thing on this computer.  I finally watched a tutorial video on how to find the start menu and the control panel.  Then, I log on here to update the blog and get side-tracked by my friends blog update.  I clicked on her blog to read about her life, and there is no "back button".  I was stuck.  So after scrolling and tapping and clicking, I accidentally found the back button at the bottom of the screen.  Hang on, there is a point. 

Today's blog is to say I was so excited about this new computer; however, within hours I was too sick to even care that we have a computer.  Now I'm well enough to know and care about the computer, but I'm too dumb to use it!

The big meeting at work is over as of today.  I will learn to use this fancy machine and Bob and The Girls will be updated with the fun stuff from the end of 2012 and the BIG DAY from this week.

I'm an old dog learning new tricks.  Be patient, but don't give up on me.  I will deliver!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wait, I'm still in 2012

I know it is January 16, 2013.  However, my blog is missing some very exciting and unique blogs from the end of 2012. 

Here's a little history...

December 29-30, 2004, Chad and I learned that Dickerson #2 was on the way.  I know some people are already thinking, "Wow she doesn't even remember the exact date she found out.  She must not realize that there are women all over the world who would give anything to 'find out'".  Stop.  Yes, I do realize it.  And yes, it was amazing, and I did write the date down somewhere.  The point here is that we had recently purchased our current home.  Whoa...back up...we had just begun making payments on our current home that we hope to own sometime before we are too old and disabled to utter the words "we own our home".  Back to the story.  At that point in our lives, we had three bedrooms and one child.  We very affectionately referred to the other bedroom as "the office".  It was awesome.  It had a great closet, filing cabinet, desk, desktop computer, etc.  It essentially was our home office where we did really exciting things like check email and balance our very stretched "first time home buyers and first time to pay daycare" budget each month.  So after recovering from shock, in the early months of 2005 Chad and I began to make preparations for Dickerson #2.  We quickly realized that the room we considered to be the home office was going to become a nursery.  In all the planning and downsizing and making room for baby, we gave up the desktop and purchased a laptop computer.  Pretty exciting, huh?  Well, it was so much fun and excitement that we haven't done it again for 8 years! Yes, my home computer is 8 years old and slower than molasses on a cold morning.  So, I hate to update the blog because the computer is soooo slow and it's difficult to upload pictures, etc. 

Now, there is a point here.  I have ordered a new computer.  It has card readers so that it will be much easier to insert pictures of my fabulously cute, funny kids.  Well, I'll post pictures of the real Dickerson kids who have been known to be fabulously mischievous, funny kids. 

The new computer should be present and working at my house by the end of this month.  Hold on tight because the blog will have much more activity in 2013.