A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Friday, November 15, 2013

High to Low to Gross

Wednesday night I was exhausted.  I don't really have a reason other than the last seven days included an unexpected death, funeral, school board meeting, extra softball practice, and life in general.  On with the point.  I went to bed a little before 10PM.  If you know me at all, you know that I'm one of those people who actually fall asleep between moving toward the bed and hitting the pillow.  Seriously, sleep is my gift.  Needless to say, at 10:24 PM when I heard the panic-stricken yell, "Momma! I frow up in my bed!" I was jolted from a deep sleep.
Unfortunately, Blake was speaking the truth.  Chad helped Blake get into the rain (shower) while I volunteered  was forced to clean the vomit sheets.  After 20 minutes or so Blake was back in her bed sleeping.  Chad and I had a brief conversation and decided that something probably didn't agree with her stomach.  Relieved to be through with the drama, Chad and I were back to bed by 11PM.
11:48 I hear "Momma!  I frow up in my bed AGAIN!"  Once again, I jump out of the bed and meet a vomit covered toddler in the living room. Again, Chad puts her in the rain and I change sheets.  This time, I decide that I'll make her a pallet on the floor in our bedroom.  The motherly thing to say is "so that she would be close and I could take better care of her".  However, the truth is that I didn't have anymore clean sheets for a twin bed, and I didn't want her to puke on my new living room furniture.  Regardless, Blake was sleeping again by 12:10AM.
I'll spare you the details here.  Just know that Blake impressed Chad and I both with her ability to wake up, run to the bathroom, and aim.  We were up 3 additional times before 5AM when our day normally starts.
Although Chad, Blake, and I were exhausted, Kennedy and Taylor had to go to school.  We did our usual morning routine.  Well, usual except that Blake and I came back home instead of heading to LC.  She spent the morning alternating in and out of consciousness and asking for more "green stuff".  After 12 hours of periodic vomiting, she was able to tolerate Sprite and about 6 goldfish.  I thought she was on her way to a full recovery.  Not so much.  Blake spent the afternoon in a fever induced trance.  She was pitiful. 
This illness took Blake from the high of life at 4:30 PM.

To the low of misery in less than 6 hours.
She was so uncomfortable during the day that she kept removing pieces of her clothing.  At 8:30 Thursday morning she had on panties, shorts, and shirt.  At noon, she had on panties and a shirt.  About 4:00 she was wearing panties.  By the time Chad came home at 6:30 she was naked.
Within the hour, she seemed to be feeling a little better.  Her fever finally broke.  However, she was not interested in eating, and quite frankly, I was relieved.  As the rest of us were eating dinner, Blake was lying in the chair watching cartoons.  She said, "Daddy.  Smell my hand!"  Chad called back to her, "What?"  She said, "Daddy, smell my hand.  It stinks!"  He said, "I'm eating right now."  I left the table to check on her in the living room.  She giggled and said, "I said Daddy smell my hand cause it stinks.  I put it on my hinny and tell my Daddy to smell it." 
Suddenly, I knew our nasty little BADkid was back!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My first 'letter' from BADkid

After school today, BADkid wanted to listen to the music 'super loud'. The music was already blaring loud, but I gently tapped it up another notch. Still, that was not 'super loud'. 

After realizing that her whining wasn't making any difference, Blake rode quietly. When we came to a stop, she proudly displayed her creation.  In my best mom voice I said 'Aww. Thank you. It's so pretty'. 

She said, 'You know what I write?'  I sweetly say, 'What did you write to me?'  

Sassiness oozed out of her as she said, 'It says you being so mean a me an don't put my music super loud'. 

Wow, my precious baby sent me hate mail. 

She really does understand!

Blake is a typical three year old. You know the kind that says, 'Momma, can I have a logurt?  Can I have a logurt? Momma, just one logurt?' all without a breath or the opportunity to hear the answer before asking again. Yes, she is that child. If the response is in favor of her request, she typicall responds with a fist pump and 'yesssss'. However, if the response is opposed to her request, she often begins the cycle of questioning again.  Based on her behavior, one might assume that continuing to ask the same question over and over has frequently resulted in a change of answer. However, the reality is that she is just hard headed! I often find myself saying to her 'Blake, I answered your question. I am not going to argue with you.'  The often results in her continuing to ask and me refusing to acknowledge that she is speaking. Eventually something else will get her attention and she will move on with life. 

Yesterday on the way home from softball practice, Blake was pretending to be the mom and her children were misbehaving. (I can't imagine where she may have been exposed to that!).  After several minutes of conversation and reprimanding her 'kids' I heard her say, 'I said no an I not dunna argue you!'