A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

She really does understand!

Blake is a typical three year old. You know the kind that says, 'Momma, can I have a logurt?  Can I have a logurt? Momma, just one logurt?' all without a breath or the opportunity to hear the answer before asking again. Yes, she is that child. If the response is in favor of her request, she typicall responds with a fist pump and 'yesssss'. However, if the response is opposed to her request, she often begins the cycle of questioning again.  Based on her behavior, one might assume that continuing to ask the same question over and over has frequently resulted in a change of answer. However, the reality is that she is just hard headed! I often find myself saying to her 'Blake, I answered your question. I am not going to argue with you.'  The often results in her continuing to ask and me refusing to acknowledge that she is speaking. Eventually something else will get her attention and she will move on with life. 

Yesterday on the way home from softball practice, Blake was pretending to be the mom and her children were misbehaving. (I can't imagine where she may have been exposed to that!).  After several minutes of conversation and reprimanding her 'kids' I heard her say, 'I said no an I not dunna argue you!'

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