A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The unthinkable happened at MY house...part 1

Last month we had the entire week of Thanksgiving off from school. Kennedy, Taylor, Blake and I had big plans. I'm not real sure what our plans were, but they were B.I.G. So, the "big girls" stayed with Chad's mother and father most of the weekend before Thanksgiving. That was great, except that it meant on Monday morning (my first official day off work) I had to be in Tyler by 7:15 A.M. to get them so his parents could go to work. Like I said, I'm not real sure what our plans were, but I do know what my plan was NOT--getting up at 5:45 A.M. to drive to Tyler!

But, since my kids were at their house, and they both seem to like their jobs, I did the "favorite daughter-in-law" thing to do and went to get my kids. Since I can't really function that early on a day off, I rode with Chad in the big truck. No, it's really not that big, but compared to The Mighty Moe (Toyota), it's huge! The big truck has four doors and can comfortably seat five people, and we can always squish another person in the middle in the front seat. And since I'm also the "favorite sister-in-law", I called Chad's sister on her day off (early...like 7A.M.) to see if she wanted to run around and shop with Kennedy, Taylor, Blake, and I. Now, if you don't know Mary, let me just tell you that I can't remember a time that I invited her to shop or spend time with my kids that she didn't agree to come along. That woman L-O-V-E-S to shop and A-D-O-R-E-S her nieces!

While we were waiting on Aunt Mary to get to Nanny's house, Aunt Nancy called. Nancy is Chad's other sister. I did mention that I'm the "favorite sister-in-law", right? Well, Aunt Nancy called to see if I wanted Heather to come along and help with the girls while I was shopping. I told her we had plenty of help, but would love Heather to come along if she wanted to just hang out with two of her coolest aunts! Although Heather is only 16, she is pretty smart and capitalized on the golden opportunity!

Now, I know some of my dearest friends are mathematically challenged, so let me just set the scene for you...

Front seat of four-door truck: Shannon, Heather, Mary
Back seat of four-door truck: Kennedy in booster seat, Blake in infant carrier with massive base that makes life so much easier, and Taylor in booster seat with back on it

Yes, we had three car seats in the back seat and three adults in the front of the truck. We were packed in like those nasty little baby food Vienna sausage things! Or, if you like, packed in like sardines!

The girls and I made several stops and had a fantastic time. One of the highlights of the day (before the unthinkable happened) was when we went to lunch. As we walked into Chick-fil-A, Taylor said, "Come on Heather! Let's go play!" In an attempt to save Heather from having to be the heartbreaker, I replied, "Taylor, I bet Heather's not the right size to play in there." Taylor quickly reminded me, "Heather is big enough to come play in here, Mom!"

Friday, December 10, 2010

Life on Mimi and Pop's Farm

Here's what started it all. Yes, I know. It really is gross to see your mom and dad kiss. But, aren't they just adorable? They truly are great people, parents, and examples for us younger folk!

My cousin Ashley came out to Mom and Dad's house on Thanksgiving to take some family pictures. She did such an awesome job! (Thanks Ashley!) She's going to do some of just our family one day soon. We scheduled a session over the week of Thanksgiving but had a H-U-G-E unexpected surprise. More about that later...but enjoy the show!

This is the crew. Mom and Dad with the grandkids on the tractor (minus Addy and Ayden). Standing is Trisha, Steven (my little brother), Me, Chad, Stacey, and Keith (my older brother).

Here's what happens when Popsi thinks no one is looking! Kennedy and Taylor L-O-V-E to ride the tractor with my Daddy!

This is one of my favorite pictures of the day...very creative and combines two of my loves...my kids and the Tractor!

And then there was this cow...

Her name, according to my kids, is "Crooked Horn Betsy". Crooked Horn Betsy has been on the farm a long time. She is quite gentle. Several months ago my daddy got a crazy cow that destroyed a lot of farm equipment type stuff. I didn't grow up on the farm, so I don't know the proper terminology. But, the cow was crazy and my daddy said on more than one occasion that he should've just shot her where she was standing! I don't allow profanity on my blog or I would quote his top 10 things to say about the crazy cow. After months of Joe vs. Cow, which included penning her long enough for her to destroy the corral and ruining a friendship between my dad and the "friend" who sold him this gentle cow, my dad hired a "real cowboy". This "real cowboy" was hired to come out to the farm with his dogs to haul the crazy cow some cows to the sale. Now, if you know my daddy even a little, you can just imagine how difficult it was for the tightwad to part with even a penny for something like this. However, his health was at risk. His heart and my mom's ears couldn't take it any longer...and it was getting expensive replacing fence panels, etc. One morning back in September or October, the two cowboys showed up with their many, many dogs and began rounding up cows. Yes, Chad, myself, mom, dad, and the girls were all outside on the porch watching what proved to be a pretty uneventful cattle round up. Dad had discussed selling several of the older cows. One of the ones on the list of "probably" for going to the sale was "Crooked Horn Betsy". Taylor was clueless about this development until she noticed the cows being herded into the corral. Very politely she said,"Popsi, I know you're not gonna sell Crooked Horn Betsy, are you?" I'm not real sure what happened after that. Six weeks later, guess who's still on the Akin Farm?

Yeah, her name is Betsy!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


This isn't much of a post, but I PROMISE you will laugh. Each child has a unique gift, right? Well, yesterday while having dinner, we discovered Blake's gift. Take a peak!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wow! Today I realized that I haven't posted anything in over three weeks! So, naturally I began to ponder what in the world I've been doing since I haven't been posting. I really don't know for sure. I know I try to post on Sunday afternoons. So, the first Sunday that I didn't post was because we were at the deer lease. The second Sunday was the day after the Syrup Festival. My older girls went home with my mother, and I slept most of the day. Last Sunday Chad and I went to Houston to a funeral. So, although on first thought it seems like we haven't done anything, we have been very busy. Oh I know...the Sunday I slept doesn't really count, but hey a Mom needs a break some time!

So, what's new in the life of Bob and the Girls? Taylor is reading fairly well. Kennedy is reading very well, including things that she probably shouldn't be reading. Blake is sitting unassisted. Blake has also perfected an ear-piercing scream when she realizes she is in a room alone (or thinks she's alone). She has also realized that the oldest Dickerson sister can't stand to hear the littlest Dickerson sister even whimper!

Miraculously, Kennedy and Taylor have been getting along fairly well lately. Now, don't get me wrong, we still have days when they are not allowed to speak to each other on the way to school because they've argued too much before we even drop Blake off at her "school". But, in general, Kennedy has matured into this protective big sister who truly wants to help Taylor. I'm a mean mom, and I make the girls prepare their own lunches. Let me insert a "Mother of the Year" story here...

A few weeks ago, I had to go to a workshop. When I picked the girls up from school, Taylor said that Mrs.Tambrea had given her some popcorn. I asked why and she said, "cause I didn't want to starve to death". So after investigating with Taylor, Kennedy, and Mrs.Tambrea, I learned the truth. Kennedy had packed lunches for the girls. She SAID we didn't have any groceries so they each got a bottle of water and package of cheese crackers. Apparently during lunch Taylor explained to Mrs.Tambrea that she was going to starve to death. Mrs.Tambrea inquired about what she had in her lunch and then went to compare with Kennedy. Kennedy explained to her that her mom hadn't bought groceries and that all that was at home was the crackers and water. Fortunately Mrs.Tambrea looked out for my kids and provided them with some choices of "side dishes" such as popcorn, etc. Completely humiliated, I explained to Tambrea that we did have food in our house. I had moved the fruit cups from one cabinet to another and the juice boxes were in the floor where I sat them, not the refrigerator drawer. Tambrea was super sweet when she said that she knew my kids weren't starving. And, we did have a talk about preparing appropriate lunches and asking for help if needed!

So, back to packing lunches. Recently I found this note written on a tiny sheet of paper and stuck in the top of Taylor's lunch box.

Is kendergarton fun? I bet it is. Just wated to say, Hi! Love U Tater tot. Love Kennedy

That tiny little paper makes my heart proud. I always wanted a big sister. I had no idea how special a sister really could be!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Who knew?

What.A.Day. That pretty much sums up this first MONDAY in November! Don't get me wrong. It was not a bad day, but it was a day.

Many of you continue to read my blog (I hope) because you are anxious to know what my silly girls have said or done recently. Well, sit back and enjoy!

First of all, let me fill you in on one of the most precious, sincere, and honest moments of all time. On Halloween night, our friends were over to Trick or Treat with us as "The Gang". Remember the pumpkins? Yes, it was those two girls, Amanda, and our three girls. Kennedy is always trying to get Sadie to spend the night. Sadie has "tried" to spend the night several times that I can recall. However, she hasn't quite made it all night. Okay, she hasn't even made it until 11PM yet. But, as a former "I tried to spend the night" kid, I am very sympathetic and love that she trusts me to get up in the middle of the night and take her ALL the way home if she really needs to go home. (Oh, and she did live right across the street on all of those attempts except the very last one. Wasn't I nice to take her home ALL the way across the street?) Interestingly, Taylor and Sophie have no problems spending the night with each other or probably even going home with a stranger from Wal-mart. Taylor had already been in to ask if Sophie could spend the night on Halloween. Amanda and I told them that Saturday night was not a good night, but we would get them together really soon. Within just a few minutes, Amanda began the process of gathering candy, buckets, costume pieces, shoes, kids, etc. to wrap up the evening. Sadie was ignoring Amanda's request to pick up her things. I jokingly asked Sadie if she wanted to spend the night since she didn't want to get her stuff together to go home. She quickly began to pick up her loot as she said, "Mrs.Shannon, we both know". I love that kid!

This afternoon, we had "who knew" moment number one in the car. With the mild weather, I had all four windows about 1/3 of the way down. The big girls were in the very back of the vehicle singing, talking, and then laughing...and laughing...and laughing louder. As I looked into the rear view mirror, I saw Kennedy with green apple bubble gum from her forehead to her chin and ear to ear. Naturally, I asked, "Kennedy Nicole, what are you doing?" She giggled as she began to pull the gum from her face (and hair) and said, "I blew a bubble!" Taylor echoed with "a BIG bubble!" A few minutes later Kennedy said, "We need to tell Pa about a new rule! Never blow a bubble when the window is down!" I'm not sure if I posted, but several weeks ago, Pa and Taylor made a rule that you should never spit into the wind. I think Kennedy's rule trumps Taylor's rule. At least the spit doesn't require scissors when you get home!

Who Knew #2...
Monday, November 1. Seems like just another day, right? Well, let me just say that I had the bright idea to take all three girls to the grocery store by myself with a list as long as Taylor is tall. When we got to the store, Taylor was talking 100 miles per hour telling me all the things that we needed to remember to get even if they weren't on the list. As I was listening to her chatter, gathering the necessities, and trying to keep everyone safe (as Taylor dressed herself in the parking lot), I unbuckled Blake and picked her up out of the car seat. At that very moment, my heart stopped! I had taken her out of the car seat...at Wal-mart. Now, this wouldn't be that big of a deal if she was a little older, but she can barely sit up. She has N.E.V.E.R been into a store without her car seat unless we had the stroller. Naturally as I tried to rewind and put her back into the seat the back arched, legs stiffened, and squeal escaped! So, I decided we'd just take a chance and see how it goes. She did quite well for about 35 minutes. Thirty-five minutes would have been sufficient on most trips to Wal-mart. However, no one remembered to send me the memo that said that 85% of the county would be shopping for groceries on the first day of the month. Imagine the scene...baby on hip, cart overflowing with groceries, Taylor in tumbling clothes bouncing all over the place, Kennedy trying to "drive" the really heavy,full cart, and approximately 2500 people in a store with a maximum capacity of 500. Fortunately, my knight in shining mechanic uniform rode in on a gray Chevrolet truck and saved the day.
The first of the month is apparently a busy shopping day for many people. Who knew?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sippy cups to Flat Stanley

I've been pretty lazy about updating this blog. I really just can't seem to take the time to sit down and do it. We've had several "blog worthy" events in our house this week. I'm going to see what I can manage to scrape together for a worthwhile blog.

Well, in Blake's world things seem to change pretty much every day. She has learned to eat in the last month. She is not real crazy about baby food. That's fine with us (and our pediatrician). She does like pasta of any kind, yogurt, pudding, and all kinds of desserts. She's also learned to use a sippy cup...sort of. She likes the idea of the cup, but is too lazy (young?) to hold it. Just this weekend she has learned to sit up on her own. She can sit alone for several minutes as long and neither of the sisters come along and talk to her. It seems that where her eyes go, her body is sure to follow!

This picture actually captures two of my favorite Blake Things...her eyes and her feet!

This time of year is always lots of fun for the older girls. They both love to dress up and be drama queens. Lucky for me, this time of year I get to pretend that they are only doing it for the festivities!

This week, we had a date with two of our favorite little girls. Sadie and Sophie came over and we carved pumpkins (thank you Aunt Nancy!). Back up just a moment. The four girls drew on their pumpkins with permanent markers. Let me take a moment here to ask, "what is the fascination with permanent markers?" My girls ask me at least two times a day if they can use a permanent marker on something ridiculous like writing their names on their homework papers or crossing off the day on the cafeteria menu. They just love the markers.

Anyway, on with the fun. Sadie, Sophie, Kennedy, and Taylor each had a pumpkin and an array of permanent markers. They drew EXACTLY what they wanted on their pumpkins. Then, we cut the pumpkins open. I personally don't care for the smell of a pumpkin. But, let me just say that Sadie Grace L-O-V-E-D the smell of the pumpkin. After much digging, seed slinging, and fun we had four gutless pumpkins. The girls dispersed and Amanda and I began the task of carving pumpkins. Yes, I know the girls are supposed to carve, but if you know our four girls, you would not recommend that we give them knives! I want you to get the full effect. Imagine this...

Me: So, Amanda, what's new in your world.

Amanda: Well, we are getting ready to...

Taylor: Mom! Mom! Look at this cartwheel.

Me: Yes, Taylor, that was awesome. You and Soph go play.

Amanda: Well, we are getting ready to...

Sophie: Mom! Tucker just came outside!

Amanda: Yes, Sophie. Ya'll can play with Tucker too.

Me: So, what's new?

Amanda: Well, we've been getting things together for...

Kennedy: M-o-o-o-m-m, those eyes were supposed to have eyelashes! See where I drew eyelashes?

Me: Look, I'm working on those. Go play!

Amanda: Well, we're thinking about...

Sadie: M-O-M, I drew dollar signs for eyes! Why doesn't the pumpkin have dollar signs for eyes?

And, it went on and on like that for about an hour. Eventually, Amanda and I had four perfectly carved pumpkins. Kennedy and Sadie had a blast. Taylor and Sophie played together and talked about everything in the world, and Amanda and I almost completed one thought in one conversation. As the Watson's drove out of the driveway I was thinking, "I still wonder what's new in Amanda's world!"

Here's the picture!

Another day last week, we had pictures taken. I haven't seen them yet, so don't ask. However, I will tell you that we drove up, took pictures, and left in about 10 minutes. It was by far the fastest picture session E.V.E.R. And, no I'm not complaining. But, when we got home the girls wanted us to have our own picture session because Mrs.Melody didn't take long enough! :) So, since our grass is dry and crunchy, we used the neighbors' luscious, green grass for our pictures. Blake wasn't so cooperative. Rather than fight her, I told the girls to just lie her down and I'd take their pictures. She was kind of smiling, so I went ahead and took some with her in them too. When I looked at this particular one, it really made me laugh. Blake looks like Flat Stanley! I think I'll just put her in a suitcase and send her around the world!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A picture is worth how many words?

This is just a funny picture that I wanted to share. While getting ready for a garage sale, I decided to go through and organize the boxes of clothing in the attic. Blake was "helping" me. Can you find her?

This picture is Blake at the family reunion last week. Can anyone guess what is going on here?

And this picture will qualify me as "Worst Mom of the Year" but I couldn't help myself and had to post it. Sisters do EVERYTHING together! I always wanted a sister, but I had no idea what all we could've done with each other!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A magic fairy?

Monday evening was a disaster turned circus at our house. We were busy rushing around trying to get all of the usual things checked off the list---eat dinner, brush teeth, baths, PJs, prayers, bed.

I was preparing some kind of gourmet meal (a.k.a. turkey sandwiches) and the oldest two children were fussing, fighting, and irritating me in general. Blake was in the Bumbo perched on the stove "talking" to me. None of the noise was particularly bad, but there was A LOT of it. The day had been long and stressful, and I was out of patience. Taylor came into the kitchen with an attitude and said, "Where is the cheese thing?" (as she reached to where she left it the day before). The "cheese thing" is the cheese slicer that she uses to mutilate the block of cheese while trying to fix herself a sandwich. Very sarcastically, I said, "It is in the dishwasher. The magic fairy came yesterday and cleaned the kitchen again." She opened the dishwasher and found the cheese slicer. Within a few minutes, Kennedy came into the kitchen. She approached the dishwasher to ask if the dishes were clean. I was quite irritated because I'm the only one who ever knows if the dishes are clean because I am the only one loading the dishwasher. So, I was all fired up and ready to act like a fool when Taylor suddenly jumped up out of her chair and shouted with huge arm motions, "Kennedy--a magic fairy came to OUR house and cleaned up last night!"

Needless to say, my poor attitude was immediately replaced with a laugh and a smile. That Tater Tot has a way of driving me to the edge. But, she always manages to rescue my sanity at just the right moment! Until next time...this magic fairy has work to do! And for the record, Chad does clean the kitchen occasionally.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just a Bit of Water

A few weeks ago, Mom went to Austin with me to keep Blake while I attended a workshop. Every trip has a "you'll never forget this" moment. Well, Mom and I checked into the hotel at approximately 9:30 PM on Wednesday night. Now, if you've ever traveled with a small child, you can appreciate the amount of things that must travel with you. We had the stroller, car seat, portable swing, diaper bag, suitcase, and floor gym. We were all wedged into the elevator with a nice guy in slacks and a button up shirt. He appeared to be there on business. As we rode up to the fourth floor, I felt him push back against the luggage cart and feared that I had allowed it to roll into him. As the elevator door opened, he passed out! Yes, he passed out and fell onto the floor and my mom's feet. I stepped over him and contemplated if I should grab him by the ankles to pull him out of the elevator so that Mom and Blake could get out. I kind of shook him and asked, "Are you okay?". He opened his eyes and looked very confused. He said, "No, I'm not okay". I asked about his health issues such as diabetes or epilepsy. He suddenly got up and said, "I passed out again. I'm okay. I just need a drink of water" as he ran into his room directly across from the elevator. Completely shaken, mom and I hurried into our room and notified the front desk. Within a few minutes, the lady from the front desk called back and in a friendly voice with a British accent said, "The gentleman in Room 421 is okay. He said he just needed a bit of water."

Oh.My.Goodness! I needed a bit more than water after that ordeal!

Last week, I had to travel to Dallas for Dyslexia training. This time, my mother-in-law came along to take care of Blake. This trip was not nearly as exciting as the trip to Austin, but I did have another moment to remember. The morning we left, I had pumpkins to deliver to LCHS, two kids to deliver to LC Elementary, Blake and all her "stuff", and myself. Notice anything missing on that list? Think about it. Did you figure it out? I did not have my own stuff! I had my purse and one shirt that happened to be hanging. Other than that, I only had the clothes that I was wearing. Now, I noticed this mishap when I got to Tyler, but I did not have time to drive back to Henderson and get to the training on time. So after the training and a tour of the ghettos of Dallas, I found a Wal-mart where I purchased the necessities of life. This was one time in my life that I am really glad to be a low maintenance kind of gal!

Here are a couple of random pictures of my girls and the things they've been doing. Before you try to make the logical connection--There is NONE! I just like to post pictures of my girls!

This is the girls dressed for church at the Cowboy Church (before I made Taylor change shoes).

And this is Kennedy giving Taylor a massage at Spa Dickerson.

And this is Taylor in the morning before she's brushed her hair for school. Her face says it all...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Taylor's random page selection out of her journal

The date in the journal was "Summer 2009" which suggests two things. First of all, this item was jotted down on a sheet of paper and shoved in a drawer without a specific date prior to its permanent home in the journal. And, it tells me that Taylor was almost four when it happened.

Today it was raining outside most of the day. We were pretty happy about the rain. Kennedy and Taylor wanted to play in the rain. Of course, I allowed them to play in the rain since it meant they were outside and not in the house fighting over something trivial. Taylor suddenly came running into the house in a frenzy. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that it was thundering. Considering that thunder is the sound caused by lightning, I asked Taylor what she thought we should do. Clearly not understanding the concept of EMERGENCY, she said, "call 9-1-1". And there I was thinking maybe we should just dry off and go in the house!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Update on my Goals

Remember back several weeks ago when I wrote a post about my goals for the new year? Well, it has been approximately four weeks since that post. I have to say, I had to go back and reread the post to even recall what those goals were. I mean, I knew what some of them were, but I could not recall the entire list.

I do realize that I have a lot of work left to do, but I have made some progress. Well, I have discovered that three of my goals are in direct conflict with each other. Specifically, I want to continue to nurse Blake until her first birthday, which involves the dreaded pump at school. Pumping really isn't that big of a deal, except that it takes time. And, that time happens to be during the lunch period of the two big girls. So, I have to figure out how to pump and have time for lunch with them once every other week. And, if that is not problematic enough, that is also my allotted time to work on special programs. Therefore, I have approximately one hour to take care of a lot of things that are all important to me. At this point, it seems that the most important item has been to get organized with my new responsibilities. I think that may be due to the fact that my kids can't fire me! But, it is important to me that I fit them into the schedule for lunch every few weeks.

Another goal that I have not devoted any time or effort to until last week is losing weight. I don't talk a lot about my weight because it is such an emotional subject for me. I did join Weight Watchers again last Monday. I joined Weight Watchers for the first time when Kennedy was 4 1/2 months old. I did lose weight and become a Lifetime member. After Taylor was born, I actually worked for Weight Watchers as a leader and lost weight again. However, before I was even pregnant with Blake, I gained a significant amount of weight. So, now I have the "baby weight" as well as the "I was lazy" weight to lose. I finally accepted that it isn't going to fall off (although some people claim it will if you nurse...LIARS!) and I must get started. Today is the first weigh in since I didn't start the program. Yep, you read that correctly. I went last week, but I haven't "worked the program" due to laziness, travel, and illness.

I did have the nurse check my blood pressure at school last week and it was good. Not fabulous, but better than it has been since Blake was born. So, there's a victory.

Sorry this post isn't too exciting. But, I have an idea for a post soon. It's going to be a sneak peek into Kennedy and Taylor's journals where I write their most memorable moments, etc.

Friday, September 10, 2010

You have got to be kidding...

This week has been too outrageously weird not to post about it. So, here's a random assortment of the things you've missed if you don't live in the Dickerson house.

Monday--Chad and Taylor went to the deer lease to do whatever it is that they do at the deer lease before deer season starts. Kennedy, Blake, and I stayed home and made an attempt at cleaning our messy, messy house. About 5 PM Chad came in the house looking pasty white. I thought he was going to vomit in the living room floor as he hobbled to the couch. After directing him NOT to vomit on my carpet, I learned that he stepped off the 4-wheeler directly into a hole. He assured me that he heard snapping noises as he fell to the ground in pain. So, to the E.R. we went. Luckily, my in-laws met us at the E.R. to take the 3 girls back to their house. Now, as if this isn't crazy enough, I walked (and Chad hobbled) into the E.R. at 6:45PM, expecting to be there for hours. But, it was our lucky day. We left 1 hour later with Chad sporting a walking boot and crutches.

Tuesday--Chad was up most of the night in pain. And, Kennedy got up complaining of a sore throat. Normally, I would not panic about a sore throat, but this was day 2 of the complaint, and I learned on Monday evening that the neighbor was getting over strep throat. So, Tuesday morning I have Chad on the couch (drugged), Taylor crying because she has to go to school, Kennedy headed for the doctor, Blake smiling at the world, and me trying to figure out how things went so wrong so quickly! Once again, God shows off and Kennedy tests negative for strep.

Wednesday--I have to take my Acadia back to the shop for the 450th time for the 250th different thing. I have a real love-hate relationship with that vehicle. The lady was nice enough to give me a loaner vehicle when I explained to her that I had THREE car seats to maneuver when they kindly dropped me off at work. Guess they didn't realize that if you work where your kids go to school when you find a friend to take you back to your car, that means you need the car seats too! Are you counting? This is 3 crazy events followed by 3 examples of God protecting my sanity and providing for our family.

Thursday--This is by far the most outrageous of all days...E.V.E.R. Kennedy goes out the back door to jump on the trampoline. She quickly comes scrambling back inside in such a panic that I can't understand anything she is trying to tell me. After calming her down, I understand that the neighbor's dog has his head stuck in the fence between our yards, and Kennedy believes he isn't breathing. Naturally, I imagine dog's head through the privacy fence, struggling dog, broken neck, scarred for life 7 year old. Well, actually only most of that sentence happened. The dog actually managed to get himself mostly through the fence before apparently pinching his intestines. Yes, he really was dead. Now, I am an animal person, and I do not take that lightly. However, I am also a mother and wife and I begin to put things together in my head. Chad on crutches with broken ankle can't get Dalmatian out of fence. Other than the size, I just can't bring myself to touch the dog. The owner isn't home. My older 2 kids are looking at this dead dog caught half way between the yards. My daddy is working in Port Arthur. My brother moved to Gladewater. My friend Lisa and her husband are in the Caribbean. My friend Amanda's husband is probably fishing or hunting. God has been so good to me this week. SURELY this is not how my week is going to end. Within minutes Kent (an almost vet) drives into the drive way to bring my crippled husband home. Guess who gets drafted to deal with the dog situation in his khaki's, dress shirt, etc. Yes, I am convinced that God put Kent on this earth to remove that dog from the fence (and yes, maybe to be a good husband, daddy, Sunday School leader, etc.)

Friday--not nearly as exciting as the previous days, but here's the notice I received from the P.E. coach this morning after Kindergarten P.E.

Thought of the day according to Taylor Dickerson: Don't spit into the wind, cause it might blow back in your face! (Seriously, that's a smart girl!)

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Four daughters?

Most of you consider me the mother of three girls. However, actually, I have another daughter. Stop. Wait. Think. Do not place a call into the rumor mill. This daughter is actually about 11 years older than Kennedy. She came into my life in October of 2007. This daughter did not enter my life in the typical fashion. Instead, she walked through the door in room 151, sat in a desk in the middle row, opened a spiral, and began doodling. She was very quiet and timid.

A few days later, she began to come to my classroom during her lunch period (on the few days she actually came to school). We sat and talked. I am not sure why she chose me, but she did. She gradually began to share tiny pieces of her life with me. She was a miserable, hurting sixteen-year-old precious little girl. The details are not important, but essentially, she became a part-time Dickerson. I am not sure what she would say about it all now, but being "Dickerson" came with good and bad experiences. Some of my favorites were sitting at the dining room table WITHOUT a cell phone to have a meal with the family, camping in a tent at the deer lease, and being forced to attend church if she stayed over Saturday night.

Within a few months, this sweet young lady had truly become one of us. Kennedy and Taylor adored her, although she was terrified of them! Chad and I prayed for her, attempted to mentor her, and loved her as our own.

In a Lifetime movie, this is where I would say that we loved her enough to "fix" her world and everything in it. Well, this is not a Lifetime movie. In real life, her world was spinning out of control. My life was spinning right along with hers because I truly did want to "fix" her and her world. I was not able to fix her world, but I was able to hold her, cry with her, and love her. At one point, it truly looked to be impossible. I cannot even imagine how it must have felt from her perspective. However, she is resilient. She slowly began to put things into place. She walked some long, dark roads alone in order to improve her life. She made choices that were in direct opposition to the opinion of immediate family members who do not appear to value things such as education and emotional or financial independence.

At the most difficult point in this journey, I was unable to talk directly to this precious girl. I even doubted whether my "help" had been any help at all. However, her gift of words made it clear to me at that moment that we were put here to help each other. You know how moms save those sweet little notes and drawings from their little kids? Well, this "sweet little poem" is as dear to me as the tiny footprints of my biological children. She wrote...

I don’t know how I made it before you,
So I don’t know how I’m surviving now,
Maybe it’s just the thought that you care,
That keeps me moving forward, somehow.

Sometimes I can’t fall asleep at night,
And I need someone to talk to,
I pick up the phone and then put it down,
When I remember that I can’t call you.

Sometimes I’m crying because I’m alone,
And I remember that you can’t be there,
And I think you shouldn’t waste your time on me,
You don’t have to, so why do you care?

I know I tell you all the time that I love you,
And I tell you how much you mean to me,
But I don’t think I could ever tell you enough,
I just don’t want you to forget it, you see?

I want you to know that you mean a lot to me,
And I don’t know how else to say,
I love you alot, and don’t forget,
You’re really the reason I made it today

She is doing it. She is making a better life for herself. She is enrolled in college. She is pushing through even when the courses are tough, and it would be easier to quit. She is also working when it would be more fun to be a college kid and party. Graduation with an Associate's Degree is on the horizon. I am so proud of her.

Most importantly, she allowed me to be present when she made a public profession of faith through baptism. I was so proud of her. I was excited for my other three girls to be present to see such a happy moment in her life. I was giddy. Chad was too.

This daughter of mine is special. She is a fighter. She is smart. She is pretty. She is a gifted writer. She is an inspiration to me.

Sweet, sweet girl, I am so proud of you. I am unbelievalby blessed because you chose me. I love you.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sprout to Spud

Taylor Reid Dickerson came into the world on August 27. It was an emotional day. That was also the day Hurricane Katrina reached the coast of Louisiana. Those nights in the hospital I was overjoyed with our little bundle of joy, but also saddened at all the mothers who were having babies in shelters rather than hospitals. In five years, New Orleans has come a long way. Taylor has as well.

Taylor is sassy and smart. She is full of questions, comments, and just noise. The little turkey even talks in her sleep! She loves her sisters and goes out of her way to help them. She also loves to compliment people. She's famous for bringing you something that you don't need or want and saying, "you're welcome for bringing you..." as she hands it to you.

Here's Tater Baby at 4 months old...before she could talk.

Here's Tater Tot on Aunt Nancy's farm at about 15 months old. The beginning of the talking.

Here is some early evidence of the foolishness baked into this little potato. This is naptime when she's a little over 2 years old.

Tater Bug as a golf professional in the making (just before 3rd birthday)

Fried Tater looking serious on her fourth birthday at Nanny and Pa's house.

And now, my little Sweet Tater is all grown up. Here are a few pictures from her birthday weekend.

Selecting her American Girl Doll

Loading up on American Girl

At Bass Pro Shop

Here's the sweetest Tater story of the week. On Friday morning, Chad and I went in to wake her up for school. We said, "Happy Birthday, Tater! You're five years old now!" She rubbed her eyes, stretched, and rolled over to look Chad in the eyeballs (she sleeps on the top bunk). She said, "Daddy, even if I'm five will I still be your sweet baby girl?" Now that will melt a daddy's heart!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The people in my pictures...

Each year on the first day of school, I am reminded how lucky I am. I knew growing up that we had something special going on in our home, but I wasn't real sure what that was. I knew that my mom and dad loved each of the three of us individually and collectively. I knew that my mom would come running to the school in a heartbeat if we needed and/or forgot something from home. I also knew that even when she got mad because we missed the bus, she was glad to take us to school. (right, mom?) I knew that my dad would turn 14 shades of red if anyone offered any form of emotion toward him. I knew that my when my daddy walked by and "stepped" on me while lying in the floor that he really was saying, "I love you". Like I said, I knew we had some things going on that some of my other friends didn't have. However, I had NO idea that there were kids in the world who didn't have ANY of those things going on in their homes.

I never thought, "when I grow up, I want to be a teacher". But, I'm grown up, and I thank God that I am a teacher! I don't have all the answers, and I can't fix all the problems with my students. I CAN go to work every day and love them. I can smile at them. I can cheer for them at their sporting events. I can answer their questions about the people in the pictures on my desk. I bet a lot of people have never even considered the questions/comments high school kids ask about the pictures on the teachers' desks. Here are some comments from this picture on my desk...

Wow, Mrs.D, you look like your mom!

Aw, aren't your parents cute?

Dang! They look like they love each other with their arms around each other!

What do your kids call your mom? My (insert name from grandmother) never came to Easter when I was a kid.

The list goes on and on.

I am so thankful for a mom and a dad who love each other. As an adult, I can see faults in both of my parents (small ones though) and have an even greater appreciation for their willingness to love each other through all of the hard times. As a parent, I can see how easy it would have been for them to give up on each other and the three of us. (I know, some of you still think I'm perfect. But, I'm not!) But, my parents did it. Well, more accurately, my parents DO it. They love each other and love us, our spouses, and our kids. Thanks mom and dad for loving me and teaching me how to be a family even when things are tough. Thank you for giving me what so many of my students only see in my pictures.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New year, new goals...

So, today was "the day". I went back to work. I say that as if I haven't been working for the last five months. After days like yesterday, I think it is more work to be home! :)

As I start the new school year, I've got some goals. I don't generally "air my baggage" because I like for people to think I've got it all together. Those of you who know me just a little know that I have it anything but "together".

So, without a lot of explanation and excuses I'm going to list my goals for the school year. Some people consider these "New Year Resolutions". You are probably thinking, "yep, she's lost her mind, and she really is late for EVERYTHING!" But, as a teacher, the new year really begins in August!

  • have a good attitude (don't gripe at school)

  • get organized with new responsibilities

  • eat lunch with one "big girl" each week

  • get homework routine for Kennedy and Taylor

  • nurse Blake until her first birthday

  • lose weight

  • read a novel that my students are reading for English

  • keep check on blood pressure

So, you know where I'm headed. I would appreciate any accountability and encouragement along the way. My plan (if I don't forget) is to post an update at the end of the first six weeks of school.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seriously, does it matter that much?

Ok, so remember a few weeks back when I introduced you to Kennedy and just went on and on about how wonderful she is? Well, she is still wonderful, but I'm pretty sure if school doesn't start soon that she will be wonderful at someone else's house! :)

Here's her latest disaster. She has grown. I know, all kids grow. But this summer she has grown and grown and grown some more. When we bought spring shorts, they were a size 6x/7. Well, when I bought school shorts last month, they were a size 8. Today she needs a 9. Now that's really not that important other than the fact that it has created chaos during "dress up" time at our house. Here's our conversation...

Kennedy: Mom, can I wear the cheerleader uniform?

Me: No Kennedy. It is a size 4, and it is too small.

Kennedy: But mom, I'm dancing to High School Musical and I REALLY need to wear it (with extreme drama of voice inflection and body language)

Me: Well, I guess you are going to have to find something else to wear. It is too small. I told you that last week. You are growing, but the clothes are not.

Three minutes or so pass while she's back in her room. She return with a pair of purple shorts, brown shirt, and gray hoodie with the sleeves pushed up. She starts the music, gets in "her pose" and about 2 seconds later she stops the music.

Me: What's wrong?

Kennedy: Do you know where the blue shorts are like these (uniform shorts from softball/soccer).

Me: We got rid of them. They don't fit either of ya'll and they were taking up too much space.

Kennedy: U-u-g-g-g-h-h-h-h! But that is the only thing that matches the song I'm going to dance to.

Seriously? Clothes match songs now? Where did I go wrong with this kid? She will wear a red skirt with a lime green and pink spotted shirt to school if I let her. But, now she thinks her dress up clothes have to match the S-O-N-G? I give up!

Friday, July 30, 2010

He's still working on me...

Does anyone else remember that song from VBS or Sunday school when you were a kid? I can't recall all the lyrics, but the chorus was "He's still working on me". I've had a week where God has been working on me. I don't know exactly what his intentions are--surprised you, huh? :) I've been reading some blogs and praying. I have also started trying to do a better job at spending time in my Bible. I'm not good at reading it. There, I've said it. I want to read my Bible. I take the time to read my Bible, and more times than not, I leave my Bible with a "why did I bother" attitude. Not, why did I bother with God. But more, why did I bother reading because I didn't understand and now I'm frustrated. I'm good at school. That's my gift. I can read, understand, retain, etc. However, when it comes to the Bible, I'm at a loss. I can read the words. I believe that God inspired those words. Why can't they "speak" to me like they do so many other people? I think I have Reader's block. I'm going to get out one of the many devotionals that I've bought to see if I can work from a "starting place" rather than just trying to find where God wants me to be on my own. Any one else ever have this restlessness with reading the Bible?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

3 Girls, 1 Camera

About two weeks ago, I had the bright idea to take all three of my girls to have professional portraits taken. To my friends who have photographed my kids before--we'll be back, but we had coupons for this one! For my friends who have offered to photograph my kids, please know if I can drop them off and come back to get them when it's over, call me! The experience was not quite as bad as I anticipated, but it was not fun! With all of that said, we did get some great pictures. Here's a small sampling of what we were able to capture!

The foot picture did not turn out as anticipated. However, how can you not love those little piggies? Maybe when Blake is a little older, we can get her to cooperate and not pull the cover off and expose her hands! :)

As the baby, Blake ran the show. Well, actually she pretty much rooted and attempted to nurse on the photographer if she held her for more than 0.3 seconds. However, the photographer was really young and had no idea what was happening. She even commented that "Aww look, she's snuggling with me". Guess she didn't realize the open mouth was an indication that Blake was hungry and didn't really care whose boobs they were! The following picture clearly expresses Blake's opinion of the photographer!

Until next time....
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blake Alayne

Blake Alayne is the newest Dickerson. She was born April 12. She was the smallest of the three Dickerson girls--a whole 5lbs. 9oz. I was induced, but she was only 9 days early. I suspect that this tiny Dickerson will have a personality as large as her older sisters one day really soon.

She came into the world looking like this

Later she looked like this

(notice the "roll" of material on the newborn gown)

Then this

Now she looks like this

She's cute, huh?

I've been asked about her name several times...just like with the other two! So, here's her story. Blake is a name that I liked. I did not give her a "boy name" because Iwanted her to be a boy. She was going to be Brett if she was a boy. I like the name Blake...for a girl. Alayne is the most feminine verson of Allen (Chad's middle name) that I could come up with. I mean, with a name like Blake she needed something girly in the middle, right? And the fact that her initials are B.A.D. was kind of fun too! We generally call her Blake, but there's a little part of me that wants the Alayne to stick too. Blake Alayne. Perfect.

She is perfect. Physically, she appears to be perfect, but more importantly she is perfect for our family. God knew and provided this special piece at just the right time. I am very thankful that she sleeps all night, but honestly sometimes I get up and just stare at her while she sleeps. I look forward to rocking her to sleep, although I know I should put her to bed "drowsy but awake" according to "the experts". Who are those experts? I bet they never rocked a perfect baby girl named Blake Alayne to sleep!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Babydoll Birthday Party

Back several weeks ago, Kennedy was driving me up the wall asking questions. One question that sparked a conversation and a brilliantly fun idea was, "Mom, when did we go to New York?" Irritated and short on patience, I said, "about this time last year". Her eyes lit up and she said, "Mom, my American Doll is one year old! We need to have a birthday party!" And the idea was born...

We went to the store and bought a cake mix and some icing. "Grandma" quickly called the other young moms to invite them over for the party that afternoon. Each mom (and one dad) brought her own baby to the party. While the babies enjoyed playtime in the kitchen floor,

the kids did this

and this

AND...the "Grandmas" had a much needed chat fest in the living room. Maybe we should've been keeping a closer eye on the cupcake festivities. Between six kiddos, they ate 17 cupcakes and applied about 8 dessert tattoos each. (Jessica, notice kennedy's bow and headband in the middle picture. Our kiddos have a lot in common!)

For the kids it was great fun..."planning" the party and they even got to practice reading and measuring when they made the cupcakes without my help. For me it cost $2 for the cake mix and icing and provided a couple of hours to visit with two of my dearest friends.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Taylor Reid Dickerson

Taylor is our "middle child". She's a spunky, funny almost five year old. She came into the world making a statement. We had a baby shower the morning of August 27th and a baby that night...in the middle of hurricane Katrina! Taylor is precious. She loves, loves, loves to compliment people. She can find the sweetest things about people to appreciate like, "Miss Haven, I like your braces!" She's a helper around the house. Any time I sit to fold laundry, she comes running and wants to put away all of mine and Chad's clothes. If someone goes into the kitchen, Taylor is on their trail. Her first question will be "can I have a snack". After handling the snack situation, she will promptly put her stool right where I need to stand and begin asking a million questions about what I'm cooking.
Taylor admires her big sister and adores her baby sister. She doesn't use pillows to sleep because that's what stuffed animals are made for. Taylor goes wide open, and is often found sleeping 1/2 in the bed and 1/2 hanging off the bed as if she passed out when her head hit the bed. Although she can drive me crazy with questions and her need to "help", she can bring tears to my eyes with her sincere love for people.
Taylor is pretty, prissy, and patient. She is smart, sassy, and soft-hearted. She wears lipstick to the lake, but loves to play with worms. Taylor is my most special middle child with a personality the size of Texas! She was my Tater Baby, and then she was my Tater Tot. Now she's just my Sweet Tater!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kennedy Nicole Dickerson

Kennedy Nicole is our first-born daughter. Her name is special to me. Kennedy was a name that Chad and I liked. Nicole is the middle name of a dear friend from college. Kennedy likes that she shares a middle name with her cousin Heather. I've never written a description of her, but here is a list of the first words that came to mind

rule follower
biggest sister
striking eyes

Kennedy is an avid reader. She's a phenomenal student. She loves Jesus. This year Kennedy became quite the softball player as well. Her favorite things to do are play school with Taylor, ride bikes with Tucker, and take care of Blake. I often find myself staring at her and marveling at not only her physical beauty, but that of her heart as well. Kennedy is one of the most compasisonate people I know. She is sincere in almost everything she says and does.
Kennedy's view of the world is simple, and it often makes us laugh. Several months ago she explained to me that she didn't need to go to college because she was going to work at the snowball stand. Our next "when you grow up" conversation she said that she wasn't sure if she wanted to be a lifeguard or a veterinarian. Most recently she asked if I would let her daddy go so that she can marry him. I love her. I pray for her to find a husband like her daddy and a career that she will love even if it is as seasonal as life guarding and snowball queen!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Do you want a fork or a spoon?

Bet you're already wondering what the heck that could possibly mean! This is classic. Classic what, I'm really not sure. But, it sounds like a great lead into a story!

After the wedding and the honeymoon, life began for the Dickerson Duo. Both of us worked in Tyler for the first two and a half months of our marriage. Like love-struck newlyweds, we rode to work together, met for lunch, rode home together, and spent every waking moment "in love" with each other. Let me stop here and let you in on a conversation between my mother and myself when I was much, much younger.

Mom: Shannon, come in here and help me cook dinner. One day you're going to want to know how to cook.

Me: No thanks! I'm going to be a rich doctor and pay someone to cook for me!

Mom: I'm sure you are going to be a rich doctor, but you still might want to cook.

Me: Nah, I can read. That's all you have to do to be able to cook, right? It's like a lab experiment.

Mom: Okay, maybe next time.

I'm sure some of you already know where this is going, but you're wrong. I did not mess up a meal...well, not that I'm telling you about now. I was smarter than that! I knew I couldn't cook. So, what does a young bride do when she has cooked both meals that she knows how, has gone to every restaurant in Henderson multiple times, and is trying to avoid another sandwich? Well, this nifty lady decided to provide her precious husband with Ravioli right from the chef...you know the one in the can from the grocery store by the last name Boyardee.

So, being the conscientious wife that I was, I asked Chad if he ate his ravioli in a bowl or on a plate. He very nicely responded, "it doesn't matter". I asked again only to get the same answer. So, I went with my preference--in a bowl. Still trying to measure up to his expectations, I asked him yet another question, "do you want a fork or a spoon?" to which Mr.Communication replied, "it doesn't matter". At this point, I began to get a little irritated with him because I wanted it to be like he was used to. I mean surely he had eaten ravioli before, right? So, our "first fight" ended with huge smiles and Chad eating ravioli from a bowl with a fork and a spoon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What do ya think?

Ok, so we did see each other again and again and again. Clearly, he was smitten with me. I know, I wasn't surprised either. So we began spending what could have been our children's college education fund on phone bills. Chad made several trips to Arkansas, and I went home to East Texas some (though not enough to please my mother).

For Christmas that year Chad bought be an electric blanket. It was exactly what I wanted, but let me just say that when you get back to school in January and everyone asks, "What did he get your for Christmas?" the words "electric blanket" are immediately followed by "WHAT?".

But, let's back up just a moment...the day after Christmas 1999. Chad and I spent the day together. I honestly don't remember what all we did. I do know that about 8PM we went to an incredibly high-class restaurant called Taco Bell. We had gourmet tacos for dinner. Remember, we're poor kids at this point (now we're just poor old people). Afterwards, we went back to his parents' house and watched tv for a while. At some point they went to bed, and Chad pulled me into his lap in his father's recliner. He was so precious as he opened a small velvet box with a diamond solitaire ring. Remember, he is Mr.Communication. He said,

"What do ya think?"

Clearly taken by surprise (after all, I had only known this man about five months), I responded with, "That is pretty. Whose is it?" Apparently he didn't really appreciate my nervous humor because he just kind of laughed. Then he said, "ok, let me try this again" and went on to give me the sweetest speech that I don't even remember. Eventually in the speech, he asked if I would marry him.

I am sure you're wondering what my answer was, right? Obviously, I agreed to eventually marry him. I was no more of a risk taker then than I am now. June 2001 we did get married. (NOTE TO MY KIDS-->AFTER I finished college.) We just recently celebrated our 9th anniversary. I can honestly say the words "what do ya think" have been answered with the phrase "prolly, prolly so" about a thousand times in the last nine years, and every single time makes me smile with love for him.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Prolly, prolly so....

Here's the hillbilly in his beach attire!

After the lengthy phone conversation, the "old guy" said he would call the next day. And, he did not. About 10 PM the NEXT, next day he did call with some story about having to work and then going to the races, etc. But, being the super nice person that I am, I decided to give him a break. We went out two or three more times over the course of the next two weeks. Finally, on the evening before I was to return to Batesville for school I had to just ask Chad where we stood. Although I made it very clear from the beginning that I was not going to be involved in another long distance relationship, I kind of liked the old man! So picture me standing on the front porch of my parents' house with Chad at about midnight. I'm leaving early the next morning to make an RLS meeting in Batesville. As of this point, there has been no discussion of the situation. We've known each other for two weeks, been on several dates, and spent hours on the phone. He says goodbye for the evening without a word about me moving six hours away the following morning. As Chad is walking to his gas-guzzling truck, I finally get up enough nerve and ask him, "So, am I ever going to see you again after today?" Much to my surprise, Mr.Communication himself stops in his tracks

~~ turns around to face me~~

~~says "prolly, prolly so"~~

~~turns back around~~

~~gets in his truck~~

~~ and LEAVES!~~

So, now when we have something very serious to discuss we always answer each other with "prolly, prolly so!"

Monday, June 28, 2010

How old did you say he was?

I don't pretend for a minute that Chad and I have the perfect marriage, but I will tell you it is quite fun. It all started approximately 11 years ago. Actually, it will be 11 years on July 30! Here's the story of the beginning of Bob and Bob....

{insert sweet kissing photo here, if I knew how to put it where I want it}

It was the summer between my sophomore and junior years at Lyon College. Luckily, I was able to work for Howe-Baker Engineers (Tyler, TX) during the summer breaks. I shared an office with a lady named Patricia. Patricia's husband worked for Dunn Transmissions, Inc. in Tyler. I was newly single from a two year relationship. Patricia kept trying to get me to meet this guy named Chad. I made it very clear to her that I was not interested in a relationship 400 miles away from school. I also was not interested in a relationship at school because that was 400 miles away from home! After several days [how stubborn was I?], I agreed to go on a date to meet Chad.

In the days leading up to "the date" Patricia told me everything she knew about this guy. We talked about his family, job, age, racing hobby, etc. So, Friday night rolled around, and I rode with Patricia and her husband to Applebee's to meet Chad. He was there waiting. She introduced the two of us, and we stood awkwardly chatting while waiting on a table. Finally, our table was ready. As we were heading to the table, I hung back with Patricia so that I could ask, "how old did you say he was?" because he looked MUCH older than I anticipated!

We enjoyed dinner, bowling, and then a game of dominoes at Patricia's house. The evening was enjoyable, even if he was old and walking funny because his back was hurting! Like a gentleman, he asked me to call him when I made it home safely. Like a fool, he kept me on the phone until 4AM before we had cell phones with no long distance charges! Yep, that was an expensive first date!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Really, a blog in my spare time....

Well, this is the beginning of a new project...a blog. I have been thinking of starting a blog for several months. However, I really struggled with ideas for a title, subject, etc. I finally decided to just jump in and see what happens.

So, I'll start with the title, "Bob and The Girls". If you have ever been around my family you will quickly figure out that Chad and I both call each other Bob. Therefore, technically, it should have been "Bobs and The Girls" but that seemed hard to say. Hence, I couldn't remember where to find my own blog! Now you understand "Bob". What about "The Girls"? Yes, we have three daughters on purpose! Obviously, they were not all girls on purpose, but we had three children on purpose. You will get to meet each girl individually in the days to come. After all, I've got to have something to blog about, right?