A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Kids in the spotlight--Tater

It's been quite a while since I updated the blog. Have no fear, we have been living our usual life of excitement and funny kid moments. Funny kid of the month is Taylor!

First of all, this kiddo is bright. She is not the typical 'overachiever' child of a teacher. She's more along the lines of the 'this kid drives me crazy because she knows the material, knows she does, and really couldn't care less about proving she knows it' child of a teacher.  For example, one year in school, Taylor's teacher contacted me to make sure I was aware that she had earned a grand total of ZERO reading points for the six weeks.  Typically that wouldn't be such a concern. However, Taylor had been reading all six of the weeks.  I picked her up from school and casually inquired about her lack of  points. It went something like this...

Me: Tater-nater, how was school today?
T: Good. Moma-nater, how was work today? 
Me:  Pretty good, but I got an email from Mrs. ABC. Do you have any idea what it said?
T:  No m'am, she didn't show it to me first. 
Me:  Well, how many AR points do you have?
T:  Right now?
Me:  Yes, right now. 
T: Right now, um, I don't have any AR points right now. 
Me: So, in six weeks you haven't ready any books?
T: Yes, I HAVE read about 4 chapter books. 
Me:  Well, why don't you have any points?
T: Because I haven't taken any tests. 
Me:  You do know why there are tests, right?
T:  Um, not really?
Me:  The tests are to make sure you read and understood the book. 
T: Mom, you know I read XYZ because I told you about ...  And, Mrs. ABC knows I read too because I told her about...  
Me: Taylor, I don't doubt that you are reading the books. But you MUST follow the rules and take the tests too. 
T:  Ok, but everyone knows that I can read!

That night, Taylor had to skip gymnastics. By the end of the next day, she had twice as many points as her goal for the six weeks.  If you've been around Taylor for even five minutes, you know that gymnastics is her passion.  If I had a dollar for every time I've told her to "stop flipping and flopping in the house" she would have a fully funded college fund.

Taylor is quick witted and a lot of fun.  She is also our most affectionate child.  She kisses everyone (when her sisters tolerate it) good night each night on her way to bed.  She also kisses my head and says, "I love you, Momma" each day as she gets out of the car at school.  Although much of her personality reminds me of myself...you know...patient, kind, calm....  Okay, the truth is that Taylor is Chad Dickerson through and through.  She is patient,kind, affectionate, and genuine.  This picture with Chip is the real Taylor Dickerson--big smile, open arms!

Taylor is very literal.  She received a ping pong paddle as a reward at school.  When I asked her about the rewards and prizes she said, "Mom, they gave us a ping pong paddle.  That's just another paddle at our house!"  Honestly, yes, we do have a ping pong paddle in the car.  However, I can't even remember the last time Taylor felt the love on her bottom.  You can read about her other literal interpretations while in Washington D.C. here.

Taylor doesn't get stressed out about school.  She does well in her classes, but perfection is not her goal.  Sometimes I get irritated because it seems that she doesn't care.  However, I'm learning to accept that for Taylor, life is about enjoying the moment and living loud.  English teachers around the world may cringe with her definition of "fragments" but ultimately, the fragments of her short life are the things that make the Dickerson story better each day.

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