A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Days 3-4

I have very few memories from Saturday and Sunday. It's been kind of fun to listen to others talk about their interactions with me and read my mom's Facebook posts. 

Some things I do remember are nurses asking me what I needed. I remember my back hurting and being so restless in the bed. The nurses in the ICU type unit were fabulous. They were so patient and caring when all I could say was 'I don't know what I need to do, but my back hurts'. They were kind and adjusted me in the bed frequently when I could not. 

I remember reading texts messages and trying to respond. I was cross eyed with the NG tube taped to my nose and very drugged. The harder I tried to type, the worse the responses became. I was so frustrated that I couldn't respond to the people who were asking about me. 

I remember Lisa Bateman coming to visit as the wound care lady came in to apply the wound vac. Lisa was a trooper and sat in the room and took pictures for me. Here's the first picture of the huge incision.  Sorry if you're squeamish. But this is my story, and I think it's cool.  It's a little less shocking in black and white. 

I remember a guy from Physical Therapy coming in and asking if I wanted to sit up in the chair. I was pretty excited to get out of the bed because my back hurt so much. He helped me get up in the chair and started asking me questions about what part of my body he was touching. I guess I was so pathetic he thought I had a brain injury?  Seriously he touched my knee and my arm, I think.  Regardless, my sensory function was good. Then that sucker said he was leaving. I asked what I was supposed to do. He said, You're going to sit up in that chair for 30 minutes, and then I'll be back.'  I very politely looked at the clock and said 'Holy Shit!'  I sat in that chair forever. Apparently they remotely control their clocks because when I started feeling sick, they said I had not say up the full 30 minutes. I'm not typically a quitter, but I really didn't give a rip about the 30 minutes at that point. 

My mom brought the oldest two girls to see me Saturday. I know they were there but can only recall a few details.  I vaguely remember Taylor talking to me while Kennedy huddled in the corner after a few brief words and questions. At that point, I had 9 different 'tubes' coming from my body. I had the NG tube sucking junk from my stomach. Here's a funny. Taylor asked if I was eating and pooping out of that tube in my nose!  I also had IVs in both hands, a central line in my neck, Foley catheter, wound vac, oxygen, and 2 drains coming from my abdomen.  

Saturday and Sunday were a little concerning for the doctors as I had a low grade temperature and my blood work indicated a possible infection. My blood pressure, heart rate, etc were elevated as well.  They kept everyone informed of the issues while aggressively treating me to avoid me becoming septic.  

Sunday was pretty uneventful. I assume I slept off and on all day. I have no memories other than a nice lady coming in to talk to me about some wing in the hospital known as the Specialty Hospital. She was rambling on about the features and the types of care they provide. She mentioned my insurance. In my mind, she was just doing PR work and sharing the features of their specialized hospital in case I ever needed that service...like when I was old or really sick. I was still oblivious to the seriousness of my situation. 

Chad Dickerson was amazing through all of this. He really 'doesn't do' blood and guts. However, he was attentive and advocated for me when I didn't know I was in the world. I'm glad he took his vows of 'in sickness and in health' seriously. I know that when I made the same vow, I never really considered the level of sickness that we might endure. 


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