A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Monday, May 30, 2016

Thursday was My Girls Day!

Thursday morning I told a nurse that my kids were coming to see me for the first time in a week. I begged them to let me shower and wash my hair so my kids wouldn't be terrified!  About 8:30 the nurse came in and said 'Get your stuff!  I just sent your mom and girls downstairs until we can get you cleaned up!'  Now, this is a pair of heros!  They are less than two hours into their shift. They are doing important things like dressing changes and medications. BUT, they took 20 minutes to make me feel like a human so I could enjoy seeing my kids. 
The reunion was fabulous. I still had a drain, central line, wound vac, etc. Taylor went to the bathroom and saw two small plastic cups. One with a '#1' and one with '#2' written on it. Both were sitting on the back of the toilet. She came out and asked if I really had to poop in that cup!  We laughed and explained that was how they emptied drain #2 in my abdomen. They had a ton of questions. We were all excited. After about 45 minutes, I was exhausted. 

Chad's mom took them to the park to play so I could eat. Eating was my new challenge. I had to eat to get off the TON and transition to oral meds so I could go home. Here's my first real food. 

I ate a few bites of the potato and a few bites of the dessert. Food after nothing in your stomach for a week is tough. 

After a couple of hours, the girls came back for a few minutes. Dr. Braza talked with them about me coming home the following week. She was great with them. We took a walk through the hospital. I have no idea what this pose was other than I was following orders. 

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