A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Friday, September 10, 2010

You have got to be kidding...

This week has been too outrageously weird not to post about it. So, here's a random assortment of the things you've missed if you don't live in the Dickerson house.

Monday--Chad and Taylor went to the deer lease to do whatever it is that they do at the deer lease before deer season starts. Kennedy, Blake, and I stayed home and made an attempt at cleaning our messy, messy house. About 5 PM Chad came in the house looking pasty white. I thought he was going to vomit in the living room floor as he hobbled to the couch. After directing him NOT to vomit on my carpet, I learned that he stepped off the 4-wheeler directly into a hole. He assured me that he heard snapping noises as he fell to the ground in pain. So, to the E.R. we went. Luckily, my in-laws met us at the E.R. to take the 3 girls back to their house. Now, as if this isn't crazy enough, I walked (and Chad hobbled) into the E.R. at 6:45PM, expecting to be there for hours. But, it was our lucky day. We left 1 hour later with Chad sporting a walking boot and crutches.

Tuesday--Chad was up most of the night in pain. And, Kennedy got up complaining of a sore throat. Normally, I would not panic about a sore throat, but this was day 2 of the complaint, and I learned on Monday evening that the neighbor was getting over strep throat. So, Tuesday morning I have Chad on the couch (drugged), Taylor crying because she has to go to school, Kennedy headed for the doctor, Blake smiling at the world, and me trying to figure out how things went so wrong so quickly! Once again, God shows off and Kennedy tests negative for strep.

Wednesday--I have to take my Acadia back to the shop for the 450th time for the 250th different thing. I have a real love-hate relationship with that vehicle. The lady was nice enough to give me a loaner vehicle when I explained to her that I had THREE car seats to maneuver when they kindly dropped me off at work. Guess they didn't realize that if you work where your kids go to school when you find a friend to take you back to your car, that means you need the car seats too! Are you counting? This is 3 crazy events followed by 3 examples of God protecting my sanity and providing for our family.

Thursday--This is by far the most outrageous of all days...E.V.E.R. Kennedy goes out the back door to jump on the trampoline. She quickly comes scrambling back inside in such a panic that I can't understand anything she is trying to tell me. After calming her down, I understand that the neighbor's dog has his head stuck in the fence between our yards, and Kennedy believes he isn't breathing. Naturally, I imagine dog's head through the privacy fence, struggling dog, broken neck, scarred for life 7 year old. Well, actually only most of that sentence happened. The dog actually managed to get himself mostly through the fence before apparently pinching his intestines. Yes, he really was dead. Now, I am an animal person, and I do not take that lightly. However, I am also a mother and wife and I begin to put things together in my head. Chad on crutches with broken ankle can't get Dalmatian out of fence. Other than the size, I just can't bring myself to touch the dog. The owner isn't home. My older 2 kids are looking at this dead dog caught half way between the yards. My daddy is working in Port Arthur. My brother moved to Gladewater. My friend Lisa and her husband are in the Caribbean. My friend Amanda's husband is probably fishing or hunting. God has been so good to me this week. SURELY this is not how my week is going to end. Within minutes Kent (an almost vet) drives into the drive way to bring my crippled husband home. Guess who gets drafted to deal with the dog situation in his khaki's, dress shirt, etc. Yes, I am convinced that God put Kent on this earth to remove that dog from the fence (and yes, maybe to be a good husband, daddy, Sunday School leader, etc.)

Friday--not nearly as exciting as the previous days, but here's the notice I received from the P.E. coach this morning after Kindergarten P.E.

Thought of the day according to Taylor Dickerson: Don't spit into the wind, cause it might blow back in your face! (Seriously, that's a smart girl!)

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. got to LOVE the dickerson's enventful lifee !
    i know i do !! but that is soo sad about the dog :(
