A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blake Alayne

Blake Alayne is the newest Dickerson. She was born April 12. She was the smallest of the three Dickerson girls--a whole 5lbs. 9oz. I was induced, but she was only 9 days early. I suspect that this tiny Dickerson will have a personality as large as her older sisters one day really soon.

She came into the world looking like this

Later she looked like this

(notice the "roll" of material on the newborn gown)

Then this

Now she looks like this

She's cute, huh?

I've been asked about her name several times...just like with the other two! So, here's her story. Blake is a name that I liked. I did not give her a "boy name" because Iwanted her to be a boy. She was going to be Brett if she was a boy. I like the name Blake...for a girl. Alayne is the most feminine verson of Allen (Chad's middle name) that I could come up with. I mean, with a name like Blake she needed something girly in the middle, right? And the fact that her initials are B.A.D. was kind of fun too! We generally call her Blake, but there's a little part of me that wants the Alayne to stick too. Blake Alayne. Perfect.

She is perfect. Physically, she appears to be perfect, but more importantly she is perfect for our family. God knew and provided this special piece at just the right time. I am very thankful that she sleeps all night, but honestly sometimes I get up and just stare at her while she sleeps. I look forward to rocking her to sleep, although I know I should put her to bed "drowsy but awake" according to "the experts". Who are those experts? I bet they never rocked a perfect baby girl named Blake Alayne to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Ok...I'm running out of ways to tell you how brilliantly you write and how well you express your undeniable love for your PBGs (Precious Baby Girls)!

    Once again, you and Chad have produced a PERFECT child.....perfect in EVERY WAY!!! You are blessed but especially blessed for getting it right three times! Love you all!
