A Little Peek Into Our Lives...

Friday, July 30, 2010

He's still working on me...

Does anyone else remember that song from VBS or Sunday school when you were a kid? I can't recall all the lyrics, but the chorus was "He's still working on me". I've had a week where God has been working on me. I don't know exactly what his intentions are--surprised you, huh? :) I've been reading some blogs and praying. I have also started trying to do a better job at spending time in my Bible. I'm not good at reading it. There, I've said it. I want to read my Bible. I take the time to read my Bible, and more times than not, I leave my Bible with a "why did I bother" attitude. Not, why did I bother with God. But more, why did I bother reading because I didn't understand and now I'm frustrated. I'm good at school. That's my gift. I can read, understand, retain, etc. However, when it comes to the Bible, I'm at a loss. I can read the words. I believe that God inspired those words. Why can't they "speak" to me like they do so many other people? I think I have Reader's block. I'm going to get out one of the many devotionals that I've bought to see if I can work from a "starting place" rather than just trying to find where God wants me to be on my own. Any one else ever have this restlessness with reading the Bible?


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGjrqV-EOfg

    here's a link to the video of the song on youtube

  2. Uhh....YES! Try this.....Read 3 verses through kind of at a slightly slower pace than you're accustomed to reading..... then read just the first verse 3 or 4 times, letting each word soak in (or stir in you mind)...then read the second verse (same way) then read the first & second verses together- once, twice.....THEN read the 3rd verse (yep, 3 or 4 times....) then read the 3 together! THEN....read a 4th verse (yep, same way)...then read the 3rd & 4th verses together....then read all 4 together or you can now drop verse 1... THEN...if that still doesn't help, go to the store & by the audio tapes! ¦] Seriously, it is pretty much the process that I use on areas that stump me....which is every time I read in the Bible.

    I hope this doesn't offend anyone- not my intention at all....and really hope this next OPINION isn't offensive...

    *I* feel there are different interpretations of even single verses & that is where our faith comes into our religion. We have 'faith' that whatever we believe to be the Word of God is the truest interpretation. (I'm sure there is a more appropriate word than 'interpretation'...but I'm not an articulate person such as yourself. And I mean that as a compliment to you!)

    Anyway, I do like to pray & will add a specific prayer for you.
    I really do hope this helps!

    (Man...did I just create a blog-within-a-blog, a novel, or what?!?!)
    Love ya, Shannon!
